Brilliant Idea AH related

An Option to Put up Trades for Trades.

Example: I have doubles of an Exp Prot Collection Piece, and need one other, Can't be on Trade Channel All Day and Night when Someone Has my specific Piece wanted.
. In AH I put up my item, and a List of the Item(s) I am willing to trade for, Taxes get taken out automatically just like before.

Understandable? or is this not detailed enuff. You get where I'm going yeah?
love it
sounds good
This is a good idea i believe
I like it
sounds good if possible, more options is always a good thing
eh , im lost
Good idea but doubt admins will use it
Also you could use it for offering money for items, i.e you want to pay x for y. if them someones wants money quick they can then do the trade of there good for money offered, and not wait for someone to buy.
Dim Enlightenmenteh , im lost

your name says it all. lol. Instead of 'Buying' from AH. a 'Trade Option' I have 2x Alarm bell (example) and i need 1 compass- I put 1 bell up for Trade _ but I only will Trade for 1 specific Item. problem solved
What is the matter with Not doing this? Upping this Brilliant Idea yet again. No more Trolling
I definitely like this.Got my vote!I am also pretty sure 90% of players would also agree this would be a huge benefit
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