
Private opinion of myself not 9th: as soon as everybody likes play PvE game and sbs as sb vs LOL clan is PvE, i quite sbs. Gl with heroism farming
laker, I can't take 80%, Sydeste needs at least as much as me Ihit tried to start the Karma thing going, but that didn't work. lol We'll ask again after SB is fixed

For those having a hard time keeping track, the actual discussion is on the post Leane created called "mixed sb" and you can completely disregard this post if you're avoiding drama in 2019
Storm Kat, lol yes this was fun^^
Like this rubbish is still going on, last night got BC with 2 orange and 1 purple curse by Mockba and when asked why :

Mockba » Impss: sea battle your clan

This is complete rubbish its amazing how quick adults can turn into little kids when they lose, we are just as entitled to join SB as 9th or as anyone else, fair enough I will admit that we are not as strong as some of 9th's players, but why should that mean we aren't allowed do SB? How are we meant to get stronger without having access to heroism and corsair rep(mounts) along with experience in SB. Also quite hard to get stronger walking around with banes and curses if ye didn't realise

If we buff as hard as we can, mount as highly as we can, no matter what we do we still get hit with BC and hexes for no reason other then to appease this petty vendetta you have against us as clan.

If we buff as hard as we can, there is simply no reason to BC, hex and bane us, then make dumb forum posts like this one saying we are fixing SB and all this rubbish.

The 9th Legion tag next to your names doesn't make ye any more entitled to join SB, just as the LoL tag next to mine doesn't mean i shouldn't join, as long as I buff and do everything that I should do.

I don't know have ye been too busy trying to make up excuses to BC us out of SB to notice that there is nothing saying "thou shalt buff to the max and sell their house for reals to play in here" its complete nonsense that this is a thing between people who are apparently adults.

**edit** Mockba wasn't part of 9th Legion at the time, my bad.
Ok, this is getting annoying...


1. Mockva is not in our clan already. And wasnt here since a week. Dont blame 9th. None of us hit you or your clan since we announced that we stopped sb q. What you want proove here? A clanless person hit you somewhere... And? Use protection. Oh wait, for that you need hero reps. HERO REPS NOT HEROISM!

2. Mount is not unique and im happy that you show a minimal need to be better :D but!!!! You are also able to get hero of empire reps for same characteristic mount as corsair one. You not even have 1k from it. Lesser effort and faster result. Yet you dont do. Thats why we supposed you are all alts (even if the guardians cant see it from tracks... I descibed already how to run alt without problem. And not me invented this. I only heard how ppl do).
Did you know you only need hit mobs to get hero reps? Did you know that continously joining sb, make poor damage and make team loose wont bring you only small piasters, no heroism and no daily quest done? Did you know that you would loose millions of sb to get this way blue corsair mount at least? Did you know that since around lvl 50 you can hit pirates on opp or on islands to get piasters and free corsair reps?
Probably you knew exactly all of these. thats why you do it how you do.

3. Stop talk about 9th. You are free to go sb. We not hold you or any of your clannies back. This post is about us telling that we are giving up sb how server wanted. But im still impressed how you (lvl 27) think that you have even a microscopic chance against a lvl 89... :) maybe if he is unmounted and naked also dcd... Then you have a very very little like 0,00000001% chance. Sadly you not see it (or you see and exactly thats why you do this).

4. It depends on what do you mean by "buffing as hard as you can".... Your clan is very creative on using grey covers and green balm and green lowest level food with 1k mount protector. .. Regardless their level. While hitting their chest that they were buffed...

5. "How are you meant to get stronger without having access to heroism and corsair rep(mounts) along with experience in SB?" Sighs... If only this corsair rep and heroism were missing.... You are full of green gear (you can get blue for free now) , you have the valor but not have blue belt, your reps are 1k or less. Sb is a costly battleground. Ppl invest real money in it. Even without cashing you could make better damage than what you do, if these would improove. None of these mentioned above require sb participation...
I respect everybody want play and have fun. But its a high disrespect to join with this trash combo and make 5k damage after expect big players to pay and win for you. And you are just one. 3 of this "top players" join and sb already lost before it would be started. Hard to see?
Sydeste, all right and well said.
they head cant work good to understand how its be suck 27lvl against top sadar or his replicant....and how its help win all team...?
Never once said I had a chance against lvl 89, i have a chance against sadar lvl 22-35/40, who also enter SB for their side. No point you addressing me specifically telling me how much damage i do, and how much i buff, when you have never seen me in SB, however i will say that the single SB i have joined with a high lvl Vaalor team, i like i said was buffed as highly as i could.

This isnt my first account, it is my main now, but my first was logged in 2500 days ago, so yea i think i have an idea what i am talking about, again not saying you dont, i completely respect your opinion and knowledge of how the game should be played and being honest i can see how it is frustrating for you buffing fully and others on your team not buffing at all (although me personally never done that, just saying)

The hero mounts yes i know are possibility, but they are monotonous and boring to grind out in comparison to SB, which are fun, this is a game, its about having fun and I know it shouldn't impede on ye having fun either.

Mockba was just most recent example, i was afk while he BC me and just assumed he was still in 9th so i apologize, but, have been BC by ved and wraithed by Poppie both in last week, all came with their own selection of red black and orange hexes, but if ye have stopped that now, fair enough no need to talk more about it

Actually random thought, me personally, have never been in SB with you, or Ved or any of 9th for that matter only SB I have been in are the ones we try to organise late on heroism day, but we have had problem getting them and ruins going recent due to vaalor dropping from q last second, again clearing up that im not blaming you or 9th, i know this also occurs/occurred with sadar, just i haven't seen it in a long time (maybe because i don'tt do SB during the day) and thus can't say it still happens

And by "buffing as hard as i can", i meant buffing to the highest standard which my level and reps allow.

How about instead of going back and forth on forum, LoL, 9th, and any other clan involved in this nonsense joins together to help push for the re-implementation of mixed SB, which should finally sort this.
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