Wars discussion #2

It's battle steel day. 2nd hour of war, no gear damage.

Current clans a war: Elitists vs IE. AS vs HF.

Where is everyone else???? I was on board for the ban at the start when wars were launched, but after this last couple months of experimenting, I believe admin should reconsider. It's complete ridiculous that clans are so scared of signing up due to a possible 1 month ban.

What are other opinions - would you rather only have all hard fights, or would it be ok to have a few easy wars?

Personally, I would rather be collecting crystals than wasting anymore time/money on a 100% guaranteed lost war. I am valor & exp capped, the sydian award might be nice at the end, but I am personally spending a heck of a lot of money on a pretty low amount of reward. And this seems to be the norm as no easy clans will sign up. This is not helping my clan grow, instead it is killing morale and working towards convincing more to switch to sadar for wins.
themamma Storm Kat, Did I miss a vote that made you game secretary? Guess that would explain the need to comment on dam near every post.
Silly Kat, thinking the Tavern Forum was for an open way to discuss game related information with other players "> Admin may have the data kind of information, but we don't, so how are we to make accurate judgement on anything without some facts? I have proven beyond any doubt, admin do read and act on our advice (Maze times getting changed, War times being tested). If not for posts and opinions from players, Admin would not know how we feel and could not fix it. You can't fix something if you don't know why it's broken. And numbers do not tell the Why. ">

1) Tuesday wars.. And the other options are?
2) Imbalanced wars Give everyone equal chances of upgrading and maybe more people will grow and work on fixing it. This is a player attitude problem more than a admin problem to fix, but since the players refuse to change, We must ask admin to provide more Fair Priced options. There is nothing wrong with ME wanting the same value for my dollar when I cash. If I can't get the same value, why would I keep cashing? If people like myself stop the cashing, how would non-cashers get reals? ">
3)let some of the lower levels fight, they may surprise you. When only 10-15 show up for war, everyone fights to the max. This is not a problem, the problem being, no matter what 9 we put in a fight, no matter what we spend and summon, we cannot win 90% of the fights when only 3 other clans are options for war. See point 2.
4) Saturday war.. What times would be better? See point 1.
5) Ban needs to go ">
Storm Katthemamma Storm Kat, Did I miss a vote that made you game secretary? Guess that would explain the need to comment on dam near every post.
Silly Kat, thinking the Tavern Forum was for an open way to discuss game related information with other players "> Admin may have the data kind of information, but we don't, so how are we to make accurate judgement on anything without some facts? I have proven beyond any doubt, admin do read and act on our advice (Maze times getting changed, War times being tested). If not for posts and opinions from players, Admin would not know how we feel and could not fix it. You can't fix something if you don't know why it's broken. And numbers do not tell the Why. ">

1) Tuesday wars.. And the other options are?
2) Imbalanced wars Give everyone equal chances of upgrading and maybe more people will grow and work on fixing it. This is a player attitude problem more than a admin problem to fix, but since the players refuse to change, We must ask admin to provide more Fair Priced options. There is nothing wrong with ME wanting the same value for my dollar when I cash. If I can't get the same value, why would I keep cashing? If people like myself stop the cashing, how would non-cashers get reals? ">
3)let some of the lower levels fight, they may surprise you. When only 10-15 show up for war, everyone fights to the max. This is not a problem, the problem being, no matter what 9 we put in a fight, no matter what we spend and summon, we cannot win 90% of the fights when only 3 other clans are options for war. See point 2.
4) Saturday war.. What times would be better? See point 1.
5) Ban needs to go ">

No bans need to stay after some clans alredy declared to just hide in hall when they dont like their enemy, in the dicussion before bans got introduced
Here are some of my ideas that I haven't seen anyone mention so far:

1)Split Bans: Many clans don't war tuesdays in fear of getting a sudden lack of participants and screw their saturday wars. Making bans earned in tuesdays affect only tuesdays wars would at least improve participation from clans that already do wars now.

2)Make bans more lenient: Sure if the clan decides to sit in clan hall the entire time getting a ban is fair, but if there are only 4 guys active at the time they should be able to avoid getting a ban by facing losing battles against the other clan by themselves. How many clans can get 1m damage versus hellfire if their strong players join every fight? Many clans can fail even if they are genuinely trying. You could say, a clan that can't get that damage shouldn't be trying clan wars in the first place, but, isn't that what is already happening?

3)Double valor reward, gives losing side 100 or 70% valor: Because admins are so stingy with heroism. This buff is completely negligible to strong clans, but it may help entice weaker clans to try fighting. DoT gives full valor to the losing side and most brackets use mounts in these, i don't see how extending that to clan wars would make it "too easy" to get valor. I think making every fight give a bit of reward removes the feeling of wasting money that it gives today. You should feel progress if you are spending gold and a lost clan fight reward doesn't compare to the effort it requires.
I am against increasing the exp gain because some people won't like getting 'tons' of exp just to get valor. Again, I don't see people dropping arenas to get their valor only from clan wars any time soon.

Talking personally I always miss the first quarter/half of clan wars so getting bonus heroism at the end is very difficult, but for an green geared player the extra time would likely not be enough to get that either. My usual rewards are 3-6 caskets, not exactly a great as it includes things like healer casket(about 15s worth) and wars costs a lot in consumables/buffs/mount/gear damage . My only motivation is the small amounts of heroism i can get. I wish there were better ways for a clan that won't win any fight to get a little more heroism. Crystals gives very little and doesn't scale.

If the lower end players aren't rewarded for trying clan wars they won't enter it again. Then the slightly higher players will be the new lower end and they may feel pressured to stop trying. Eventually only higher end players will battle themselves forever and things stop being fun for everybody.
Tuesday I would like at least 1 hour later, and most of the time i could make at least half of the war. Saturday is too early for my clan mates in Australia so I would suggest maybe 3 to 5 hours later.

The ban is good if the clan is ducking the fight, but if you are trying the rewards are not terrible if you fight the entire 2 hours. However if you can only make 1 hour then it isn't really worth the cost of buffs, mounts, and pots. If you have at least 5 to 10 people trying for the entire war I don't see why you should be banned.

Not sure if shrinking the clan sizes would improve anything at all for more wars. Who would really want to go through building a clan up to lvl 3 with dockyards again? Be honest here.

I know the admins don't want to give losing heroism, but the way it is now who is really getting much heroism?

I was thinking that clans could be split up, but they would still belong to one and the same clan. AKA they'd have a shared clanhall and a shared dockyard.
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