A Letter to DE

I've been playing this game for quite some time, there have been good as well as bad changes, but overall, admin has done a good job at putting together a fun filled game for us all. Different people play the game for different reasons and admin has made sure that the game offers something for everyone.

As of late I think that admin may have lost their way a bit. Making a great game with lots of player interaction should be the goal. if the admin can provide that, we will spend our cash because we are having a great time. Unfortunately, admin has now changed their focus to making more ways for us to spend gold/reals in the hopes that their revenues will continue to grow. by changing their focus to making money they have started to neglect the fundamentals of the game. Arena's never go, people are playing less, people are quitting all together, it's sad to see.

I want to know if i'm the only one who feels this way? DE! make it a little easier for people to get some gold, create a little incentive to get people back in arena's, create some incentive to get new people to join the game, bring back things like the rage of elements (we can put xp on hold now so its not as big of a deal to people). Do something other than make newer more expensive gear for people to spend on. bring back occasional double reals, bring back the trader of rarities from time to time. make this game fun again! your money will start rolling in when we are all having fun.

Focus on the fun and your business will flourish. focus on making money and this game will slowly die.

DE family, if you agree or disagree I really don't care but would love for you to comment, I see something broken, are you seeing the same thing?
Maybe changing Reals to Gold when making gear..
Everyone has made valuable points. Here is my take on the situation:
Ihit and the admin staff have done so much to help keep the fun going by implementing things like guraag stay and implement things to attract new players like confrontational weekly competition. Here is the kicker though. DE has two different kinds of players. The majority of players playing this game are playing to be the best aka play to win and they spend all out on buffs and mounts and even cheat a little by summoning when gentlemen agreement of not summoning. The other kind of players are the ones that love to have a good time. Most of the implementation are for the latter players but players can be counted with 2 hands. DE has to generate revenues to keep the game afloat that is why they implement confrontation with caskets to attract new players. However old players with alts and clan gear keeps on winning and discouraging new players from staying in DE and spending little bit of money at a time. That force admin to generate money solely from old high level players. So my point is in both scenario, admin is not to be blamed for DE slipping, the onus goes to the players of DE or at least those cut throat players who will stoop to any level to win and those players that play confrontation contest decided to play alts at lower levels with clan gears instead of playing with their mains in higher levels.
Nonono! This game must remain a challenge
Lots of interesting points here, as a non-casher I actually think there are plenty of ways to get reals and am happy with this as it is. My biggest worry is that bringing in a higher bracket is very premature, the lvl 70 bracket was discussed for a long time and there were a lot of lvl 50's when it was eventually brought in.

At the moment there are only a few lvl 70's with a few more that will get there over the coming months, Is it enough to justify raising the cap? I don't think so. The game needs to get more people playing the game and drastically increase the retention rate.

I would like to know approximately how many active players there are in each bracket (not toons as there are many alts), as it seems to me that there really aren't that many for a worldwide game that has been running for over 3 years.

It would also seem to me that more is needed for the highest levels to do that will stop them being bored at level 70. More quests, new professions only available from level 50 or something else that I can't think of. Although maybe it should be something that you have to work for and not just buy.

PS. Hopefully when I finally get to lvl 70 I will be able to have a bit of a rest as I find it very easy to spend 3 or more hours playing at a time with hardly a chance to make a cup of tea and still find there is something else I want to do but have run out of playing time.
I agree with a few of the previous people. I used to have an issue with money, but now that I can do the halo thingymajiggy and get zero xp whilst farming garuug and I chose a great clan that has an exchanger for reals exchange, purple gear is no longer an issue.

Those of you who know my original character Podeth will know that things weren't so easy back in her day. I worked so hard to get the blue valour gear. There was no option for reals exchange at all until after I'd gotten the gear and whilst I put up a damn good fight, there was always an obvious difference between myself and most other people who had purple, so yeah, in that respect DE has much improved for the non-cashers. I may not be able to soar up my reps. I had to choose carefully which reps to focus on (I chose hero rep, glad rep, and vig guard rep, so I had a decent mount and skellies. My protector rep and bc rep is almost non-existant but I will work on them when I get chance)/ In comparison to Podeth, Ellie has been a much easier character to build to put up a good fight against cashers so I can easily see how much better the game has become.

That being said, there are some things I would change, but they've all been said now, so I'll go back to my corner.
ok.. agree with a lot of the things mentioned here.. yes bring rage back to the way it was.. level one clans should only be allowed to declare on each other.. they can grow together, and the come farm me for heroism clans can choose to help them out or disband.. Mining for sydiarn.. yes i have done this, waste of my time as i am now unable to anything during that 2 hours but watch my mines to keep the barbaians from stealing them.Would rather go watch a movie. Can't do the maze as new time do not match up with my schedule.. so that's out.. and instead of giving us new islands and or more mines..or shortening the replenish time...(you now have many clans out there that have EARNED and PAID for the right to mine syd, and as we have said many time.. the islands should belong to NOONE.. we have all EARNED the right to be there..) you give us level 90 to come stuff.. joy...should be thinking about all the people who ranked and the hundreds of dollars your NOT getting because they are unable to gather enough to get the upgrades,. You want us to compete and spend more money.. gimme a reason to spend it... As for the lack of PVP.. we got no one to blame but ourselves, people added all the silly "player rules" change them when they are in the mood..pppffftt.. fights used to be fun (right Lady N).. bring back the real pvp fights, leave the pets and high dollar buffs for when they are needed....a challenge is learning how to beat your opponent one on one ..if you loose go back and try again.. never fails we get good fights going and some one looses off to the shop they go.. buy every buff they can an come back and kill aoh.. the fun is in figuring out how to beat someone who is better than u.. and yes there will always be someone with better gear.. get over it. and fight harder.. meh my bitch is done the rest will work itself out one way or another.. hopefully before the game dies.
themammaok.. agree with a lot of the things mentioned here.. yes bring rage back to the way it was.. level one clans should only be allowed to declare on each other.. they can grow together, and the come farm me for heroism clans can choose to help them out or disband.. Mining for sydiarn.. yes i have done this, waste of my time as i am now unable to anything during that 2 hours but watch my mines to keep the barbaians from stealing them.Would rather go watch a movie. Can't do the maze as new time do not match up with my schedule.. so that's out.. and instead of giving us new islands and or more mines..or shortening the replenish time...(you now have many clans out there that have EARNED and PAID for the right to mine syd, and as we have said many time.. the islands should belong to NOONE.. we have all EARNED the right to be there..) you give us level 90 to come stuff.. joy...should be thinking about all the people who ranked and the hundreds of dollars your NOT getting because they are unable to gather enough to get the upgrades,. You want us to compete and spend more money.. gimme a reason to spend it... As for the lack of PVP.. we got no one to blame but ourselves, people added all the silly "player rules" change them when they are in the mood..pppffftt.. fights used to be fun (right Lady N).. bring back the real pvp fights, leave the pets and high dollar buffs for when they are needed....a challenge is learning how to beat your opponent one on one ..if you loose go back and try again.. never fails we get good fights going and some one looses off to the shop they go.. buy every buff they can an come back and kill aoh.. the fun is in figuring out how to beat someone who is better than u.. and yes there will always be someone with better gear.. get over it. and fight harder.. meh my bitch is done the rest will work itself out one way or another.. hopefully before the game dies.

PVP used to run so much back when I was Podeth, we used to fight a lot, with Matt and Mena and Mez, SLASHER, the old lot, it actually used to be fun not so serious.
.... how about giving the winning team a small amount of coin when winning in pvp I think that should get players more interested in doing them"> just a random idea.
love the idea. BUT would only help if there was some fix made to how the game decides the teams.

Right Now, seems to be based on Level alone. So for us that can barely get 4 to queue at a time, once we get the 1st round, we know exactly what the next match will be. So, if you have the "losing" team, and know it'll be the exact same next round, most people don't bother queuing again. I am an exception to this, win or lose, get valor, but only when I can afford to use a charms And know I can talk my team mate into taking the loses too.
Agreeing with most of what the people wrote so far.

Personally I see two different problems:
1. How to fascinate newcomers of this great game?
- If you take a look on all those lvl 1 clans that have been built and all died, it's obvious to see that this system never works. As said bfore: restrict war declaring somehow.
- Same goes out for low lvls that are bullied out of the game. I don't see it as a the biggest problem because most of the players don't harrass lower lvls. But why not just solve that issue by making the BC fights more equal like you do it in wars or seabattles: elyxir of supremacy. It's fair, it's simple and it's just consequent.
2. How to keep the game attractive to all the players that spent so much time (and money) in here.
- I think the BC "solution" from my first point would regulate many things here too. Just give it a try. And for sure many suggestions made before would also help.

Sorry for my bad english, blame my teacher back in school lol.
Bastard Ger,
I understood it
All who play the game know as well the changes, like gold harder to get, drops hardly at all, prices doing up with less gold.

Also things like Day of Ruthless Fury being now the winning side only( we do the damg we get the credit like it was), trader of rarities being gone to where it's reals only again... collections we cant get since there are no arenas, why go to arenas spend tons of gold when its so hard to get now?

Please bring back some of the old things which we all loved that made the struggle in the game worth it. Take time to speak to people and not just the buyers and then you can see whats missing or needed from both sides.

Good job Saint, well said
I agree on this. with all these things gone like 2× rls.. and seeing how things go I almost wanna quit playing.. de focusing to much on how to make money and leaving out all the fun. its true if de started focusing on fun more money would come in.. but if u focus tomuch on the mulam. the fun fainths away so less mula
i agree with you
ChloeAva_71All who play the game know as well the changes, like gold harder to get, drops hardly at all, prices doing up with less gold.

Also things like Day of Ruthless Fury being now the winning side only( we do the damg we get the credit like it was), trader of rarities being gone to where it's reals only again... collections we cant get since there are no arenas, why go to arenas spend tons of gold when its so hard to get now?

Please bring back some of the old things which we all loved that made the struggle in the game worth it. Take time to speak to people and not just the buyers and then you can see whats missing or needed from both sides.

Good job Saint, well said

when did gold get harder to get ?
So I agree with Saint that the game has gotten little less exciting. Funny when DE first made the announcement about being able to start at level 1 again all the higher level players really wanted to do arena's again. There were also many valid points in the comments. Fury, Rage etc... but the changes to these hasn't changed the game that much. What DE's downfall is the players. Polarization to one side. Now a lot say it will swing back but it swung the other way not because Sadar got strong. But many Valor went red. And I don't believe it will swing back ever unless egos clash. Blues aren't allowed to grow or have to be a big spender to do so (But sadars have even forced those ones out of game). So if you are a new player, way easier to do as a red then blue. Saint even said to me multiple times it is one of Sadars best tactics to get a clan to do what they want. Attack people on hops and really hit the littles so they quit clan. But by doing this you are eliminating blue. Eliminate blue and you can kiss SB good bye. (not that they are almost nonexistent) Dots even wars. I'm also going to break this down by the numbers...

The Reason I'm breaking it down by numbers is that we all know even with stronger players numbers win. Win fights .. wins wars.

...................... Just players 60-70
Elite ...........18
HF.............. 14
Fallen ..........3
Total 47 players

Drach ...........13
7th ..................1
Blue haven..... 3
AS...................1 (Sorry Storm)
Total 31 players

That means there are more bigs in just Elite and HF then all Valor.

Now factor in deal made so that clans don't really go against sadar that lowers the number further.

ok.. so level doesn't mean that much to you and valor rank typically shows the stronger player. Going to break down gold shields (3rd knight and above.

Elite.......... 29
HF ............24
IE ............ 14
Fallen......... 8
DF ..............7
Under .........2
Bone.......... 1
Total players 85

9th............... 17
Drach ..........14
IL ................10
AS ................3
Blue.............. 2
SW................ 2
7th................. 1
Tuatha ...........1
Eye ................1
Total 51 players

Again 2 sadar clans out number all valor.

Sure bring back rage... won't change things
Change Fury back ... won't change things.
Lower the cost of gear damage... won't change things

Thing that will change the game and people will get more active is ability to have protection to grow. Right now.. RF will kill me. Give me time to work hard i'll be happy to fight. Keep hitting people on hops they walk away from game before big enough to fight back.

The more the tactic of attacking hops and littles is used the further the divide. You want more people the fight. Let them grow or switch back. A lot of us would love to fight back. But 70 mounted vs.. 50... 32...16. Yeah I'd rather play another game.

Make that 52 gold shields ;) bastard just got his last night
If I were to be honest I would remove Drach Blue 7th Tuatha and Eye from shields and put in the Do own thing. Move IL to the Sadar side and just remove bone from Sadar. Then you would have a better look at the actual state of this game.

And now that fix has went red and HF. I've done my last Sb in this game haha.
If I were to be honest I would remove Drach Blue 7th Tuatha and Eye from shields and put in the Do own thing. Move IL to the Sadar side and just remove bone from Sadar. Then you would have a better look at the actual state of this game.

And now that fix has went red and HF. I've done my last Sb in this game haha.
well, comment on forum post was removed and not replied to, but perhaps there are some answers out there.

1 - Has Vaalor ever won the level 62+ DoT? How many smurfs show up for it? Do they win any of the battles?
2 - Is there anyone going to Maze at all anymore? I've been trying to watch. I've seen 1 sadar in there, once at the 19:00 time. Does that mean maze is now another way for Sadars to farm sydian while vaalors keep falling behind?
3 - How many people, over level 30, have switched from vaalor to sadar in the last 3 months? How many have switched from sadar to vaalor?
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