A Letter to DE

I've been playing this game for quite some time, there have been good as well as bad changes, but overall, admin has done a good job at putting together a fun filled game for us all. Different people play the game for different reasons and admin has made sure that the game offers something for everyone.

As of late I think that admin may have lost their way a bit. Making a great game with lots of player interaction should be the goal. if the admin can provide that, we will spend our cash because we are having a great time. Unfortunately, admin has now changed their focus to making more ways for us to spend gold/reals in the hopes that their revenues will continue to grow. by changing their focus to making money they have started to neglect the fundamentals of the game. Arena's never go, people are playing less, people are quitting all together, it's sad to see.

I want to know if i'm the only one who feels this way? DE! make it a little easier for people to get some gold, create a little incentive to get people back in arena's, create some incentive to get new people to join the game, bring back things like the rage of elements (we can put xp on hold now so its not as big of a deal to people). Do something other than make newer more expensive gear for people to spend on. bring back occasional double reals, bring back the trader of rarities from time to time. make this game fun again! your money will start rolling in when we are all having fun.

Focus on the fun and your business will flourish. focus on making money and this game will slowly die.

DE family, if you agree or disagree I really don't care but would love for you to comment, I see something broken, are you seeing the same thing?
Storm Kat,
And for you wanting to be able to compete with me . You missy should aim higher then just me because i am not the best in the game. Although i do compete with them. I lose some and i win some but you do not ever hear me whine about it
Storm Kat,
HELLO the level cap is higher then level 60 it is at level 70. Unless you are trying to hide from the best this sever has to offer


I have had many rememberable fights. These 3 here are among the best this game has to offer and there are alot of others that have not commented on this post so i can not list them here. But trust me once you step foot into an arena against any of them. they will challenge you to better your character and your strategy on how to fight against them each and every time you face off against them. Just because they have earned what they have. You should respect them and everything they have placed in front of you and not branded them for being bullies or cowards because they have used what the game has offered them
I have most of these players on my friends list and i am proud to call each of them friends
Ignoring the bad advice that I should level up to 70 with out dated gear and Hope a cap is still in place .....

Sadistic's post is about making More people Want to play, about making it fun again, about making less cashing needed. I am simply pointing out that something that was a lot of fun, Maze of Eternity, was changed against our wishes, and no explanation was given. I am trying to point out that Ninth Clan in general has stopped playing because of the islands, and another option for Sydian was Maze of Eternity. For higher levelled people that have worked hard to get to level 50+ to be forced to stop playing, or switch to sadar, is making a very unbalanced game, and ruining the fun we could be having.

For lower level people, my suggestion still stands to make level minimums on level 2 & 3 clans so you stop allowing rerolls and alts to get the clan gear and win confrontation away from the truly new players. Confrontation was a great update, encouraged people to go to the arena, and bc, and all other pvps, but it's broken when you can take 1 look at the 1st bracket list and know who's going to win it based on what clan gear they have access to.

And I would like to know what hours are the busiest on the game. I'm sure admins could tell us. ">
Isn't it better to make spending small amounts be worth it instead of hundreds or thousands? I don't think it costs as much money to run the game as they want us to pay... For example, a set of purple armor for level 32-50 costs 557$ (assuming you didn't get any reals in game and I don't know if you have to pay taxes on reals but if so this doesn't include them). This doesn't even include belt, mount, baldrics, jewelry, marks, or dragon equipment. That seems slightly too expensive for your average non-billionaire. Heck, that's what some people make in a month! You could probably buy a car with what they expect you to spend! ... and that's kind of ridiculous. Also, I bet that if you used reals for all of the little purchases from your bag where they try to make you spend reals, you could genetically engineer a real dragon. Seriously, it's annoying to have to open up the shop every time.
Storm Kat,
That's exactly why I posted it here mass-posts are looks at quiker by admin.
aye agree they should bring back rage of element it was fun and gained a good amount of rep from it also everone fights to complete it there fore buy more pots from game we haveing fun and well buy some reals lol plz listen to us ty
Agreeing with this forum. I wish the old ruthless fury was back and wish doulble reals was back too and rage of elements too .
Im SHadeTheKid on there

I was able to get a Vortex going in the 39-48 bracket however that was only made possible because I provided the gold for most of the people that went which is legal by the way. I was "hiring" them to provide the "service" of queuing. Unfortunately not only did I lose hopelessly since it was a new battleground and was green to it I was a defiler (this was during Shaab) so I didn't get anything out of it (ironically (and stupidly) even though defiler status was taken off for Vortex and I fought regularly I still had the defiler effect of not being able to complete any quest besides Will of Dark Gods. So that was a let down.) I have always been an avid recruiter for battlegrounds.

I have also asked multiple times for Vortex brackets to be gone. However as stated inside one of the suggestions posts Vortex will never lose the brackets since while gear and buffs, etc are removed you still have base stats for your level making it still pretty easy for a decent high level to kill a lower. That said one easy solution would put everyone at lvl 50 or something for the fight (similar to Server Surv) but I doubt that will ever happen. Good luck with it.

To get my nephilim I paid the reals to skip the Vortex quests and also the 5r to skip IW. IW does not happen frequently enough and needs even more people than Vortex (20 not 18). The only time we ever came close to that was after the major Shaab fight. Only needed 2 more for the 36-43 bracket. Unfortunately not many people want to queue for IW since it is seen as a beefed up ToH and ToH rarely goes to begin with these days.

Not all of this post is directed at just you Arcane just using your name since you were talking about Vortex not going.

That said the fact that I had to pay people to go to Vortex is sad and ridiculous. I doubt many people other than me would be willing and/or are willing to pay people to queue up for something like Vortex. My final words will be I hope I have not thrown this post off topic. I think I was responding in a good way. I also hope that things get better.

Wrote to much for one post so separating into 2.
Personally what made me go from on the fence to absolute goodbye was not so much this new announcement for lvl 90 (which did throw me off but i don't think that much. In my mind it brought up the whole raising the lvl 50 bar issues and discussion back.) but it was the reps. 170k! I do not see anyone getting that (and honestly the rewards don't seem worth it although maybe more will be added later) and especially for the money costing ones like bonecrushers. That's an insane amount of money spent. I like the idea of a rebirth function (power level to 90, restart, get the bonus, and start fixing any low reps you had before you rebirthed as you grow the levels again) but my question about that (which still has not been answered) is what happens to your gear? Especially the purple gear that you pay real money for. Can you put it in tavern and use it later or does it disappear? If you keep the lvl 50 and below set can you equip as you rank and level up? If you keep the 50+ purple armor can you reequip it at the appropriate rank/level? (In the case of having 50+ armor before rebirth I would put it in tavern, rebirth, power level to 50+ and requip or work on reps with green/blue armor. But definitely not pay for 2 full sets of purp gear.) However these questions were never answered. Do you lose tavern rebirthed? How actually "new" are you?

I think that one thing that DE seems to lack (personally I think it might be this server. Terra has quite more extensive forum than we do) is communication. Yes, I know there are things that admins can not talk about. That is understood and expected. But at least give a response saying you can't talk about said thing so it doesn't seem like blatant ignoring. Also as someone mentioned yes I do think there might be more "whining" on this server but this is the international server with a lot more people so it should be expected.

I am not sure if what I said is clear enough (I never am. It always sounds better in my head than on paper.) but I hope it can be understood. I like DE, I had been with DE for a very long time, just a few months into Open Beta is when I started playing. Jan 22, 2012? I think on my first character. And I think DE can go a lot of places. I had fun with it, I think it's different than other MMORPGs and other games out there. Wish the best

I know it's a lot to read and I just hope that what I wrote is helpful not hurtful. Hopefully no one posts that stupid Too Long Didn't Read thing. My goal was not to kill the thread.

To answer the very original question do you think DE is broken...I don't know about broken. But yes I would say it absolutely is different than when it was a smaller company before it got taken over.
Now then what I'm about to say maybe should start it's own thread but I'll put it on here as well. I also feel like DE has changed at a player level. Battlegrounds are basically non existent (depending on bracket) except for event days, and even then sometimes still are. Clans: I quit being in clans for the most part because I felt not many were very "clanny" if you get what I mean. I've been a part of a lot of clans (basically all of Vaalor and a few sadar and in each clan I helped out (mainly with clan hall)) For clan wars...ugh friendlies. Give me a good real war to go crazy in lol. I even went so far to make my own clan 3 times (yes 3 seperate clans heck those are the ones i remember. there might have been more "> and 2 were just for clan wars; Ascension and Pure Heroism (and mainly warred by myself). Sydian/Archipelago The way I view the islands is that it was meant as a constant pvp zone fighting to get sydian mines. I doubt admins intended a few select clans to claim them as they're own. Sea battles: who cares if the little ones join? Both sides get them, we were little once, if they don't do well enough the game doesn't allow them back anyways. Lots of times in main chat I would blatantly put in there that I don't give a damn about the player made rules I just want people to queue up. I felt smothered by player made rules and also many player made rules I treated as stupid bs. Damn I type a lot don't I?! LOL

To put it another way and an almost comical way: DE at the beginning was about PvP, warring, growing your character, fighting, etc. Then the players carved out their own rules, and structure and began enforcing it. Now DE is getting some of it's "power" back such as "we had/have a plan and we're implementing that plan no ifs ands or buts about it anymore". Kind of like kids at a school playground.

I'll check back in on this forum post every now and then since it has my interest and I hope the best for it but otherwise I'm staying on tera rising.
I also feel sorry for Ihit that he is the only admin that I see ever doing anything (I've seen him on all the servers, even on Luna when it was still around) and therefore the one that is the recipient of most/all of people's ire.

Regardless of what people think he does have a sense of humor and is a cool guy to talk to.

Other admins simply work on other languages. It's obvious that you'll only see me doing things on english forums ;)
Sadistic SaintA Letter to DE
I've been playing this game for quite some time, there have been good as well as bad changes, but overall, admin has done a good job at putting together a fun filled game for us all. Different people play the game for different reasons and admin has made sure that the game offers something for everyone.

As of late I think that admin may have lost their way a bit. Making a great game with lots of player interaction should be the goal. if the admin can provide that, we will spend our cash because we are having a great time. Unfortunately, admin has now changed their focus to making more ways for us to spend gold/reals in the hopes that their revenues will continue to grow. by changing their focus to making money they have started to neglect the fundamentals of the game. Arena's never go, people are playing less, people are quitting all together, it's sad to see.

I want to know if i'm the only one who feels this way? DE! make it a little easier for people to get some gold, create a little incentive to get people back in arena's, create some incentive to get new people to join the game, bring back things like the rage of elements (we can put xp on hold now so its not as big of a deal to people). Do something other than make newer more expensive gear for people to spend on. bring back occasional double reals, bring back the trader of rarities from time to time. make this game fun again! your money will start rolling in when we are all having fun.

Focus on the fun and your business will flourish. focus on making money and this game will slowly die.

DE family, if you agree or disagree I really don't care but would love for you to comment, I see something broken, are you seeing the same thing?

Let's see you say we take away incentives but i feel it's really other way around. Over the last year we've added Garuug, HoP, Trial of Fire (especially this one for those who don't cash and can do it together with HoP for no experience again). Green 50-70 gear is actually in line with stats on how much blue gear had between levels 30-50. There were several visits of Merchant during the year that sold items for gold which wasn't done before in your "good old times". Red bag of gold was added to Garuug. Sydian can also be acquired from mining and now from chests in new undead reputation if you don't or can't sail. As far as arenas and other battlegrounds you have to join/interact with other players to get them started. And so much more.

And as far RoE goes be careful what you wish for
Well having heard what you have said, I believe that somethings' were good....some were bad
i would also like to add that loan extensions be considered to 14 days
some people don't get paid but every 2 weeks and this insures a better non-stressful playing time
DE gets its coin and players are happy and can stay in game
plus there are a lot of disabled veterans who play and they don't get paid till once a month sometimes
may not mean much to the G.O.D.s (game operation directors lol)
but to the players, especially the veterans, it means so much
that's all.....2 cents added thanks
Tbh I'm happy the way it is now... It's hard for non-cashers like me but not impossible at all, indeed some changes shouldn't been added to the game (no hero repu from insigniachests) but for the rest... It's important that cashers who benefit the game more than non-cashers get something extra.
D3athKnightTbh I'm happy the way it is now... It's hard for non-cashers like me but not impossible at all, indeed some changes shouldn't been added to the game (no hero repu from insigniachests) but for the rest... It's important that cashers who benefit the game more than non-cashers get something extra.

seriously?? lol
i think non cashers should get extras to compete with non cashers...fair is fair sweetie
non cash gear is sub standard compared to cash gear......just sayin'
That's why we have clanchests and other ways to swap gold for reals, it will maybe take more time but it's worth it.
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