A new Exciting Opportunity - Weddings!

So, if you think the time is right to tie the knot, now it's easier than ever! Note, both male and female characters can propose.

To do this, find the new section in our Shop, "wedding accessories". Then buy a set of rings to your liking, use them and in the window that opens, write the name of your chosen, to whom you would propose. 

If their answer is "yes", the original rings will disappear, and wedding rings will appear in your "gifts" section, and that of your betrothed. In the external information about your character, a new icon with a picture of a wedding ring will be displayed. Clicking on it will display information about your other half.

In the case that your proposal is refused, the set of rings will remain with you and if you survive the heartbreak, you will be able to try your luck some other time. Well, if your family boat springs a leak and you decide to part ways with your spouse, that is also not terribly difficult. In the same section of a shop purchase Divorce Papers, then find them in your backpack. Hover over them and click the pop-up button saying "divorce" in order to regain your freedom. The consent of your spouse is not needed. 

Wedding gifts are now available in their own section of the gifts menu. Friends traditionally give newlyweds to celebrate the wonderful occasion of their marriage.

Interesting idea, although I would like to see some special ability from these rings. Perhaps like what MONOROCK suggested.
I have to agree, an ability (Obviously not a game changer, but maybe as MONOROCK suggested or even an increased heal rate while out of combat) would make the rings more worth while. Players spend a decent amount of in game or real currency to purchase the rings as is, so an effect on the rings would make it a better investment between 2 people.

Also, there should be a global announcement when 2 players get married so they can be congratulated by the community.
I think it is all kinda silly.
all well and good but wheres the gift box gone?
so if we get married is there gonna be a button for spouse abuse? if so then where are the cops? and are we going to have a supreme justice court system? pre nups? and who does get the drago? just some thoughts to ponder lmao
what is the point of marrage in a game anyway??? It just means heartbreack if you get dumped coz you effectivly get dumped twice!!
Not a dating site...but wedding option
No religion name or chat...but Heavens Voice ALWAYS on chat
No alcohol talk...but alcohol emoticons

You can see the big difference in the devs and the forum/chat moderators. The balance is way off with head size here.
I agree with stark Raven on this one
still have one problem,we can't change our face therefore we will have a situation called "my wife is your wife"">(black_beer)
20 gold...2000 silver...200000 copper...just a little pricey...should have an ability or give you a house to share or something...
is better than (black_beer)
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