Spell of Irrepressible Greed - Second Stage of Christmas Adventures!

Second Stage of Christmas adventures has begun!!

Truly, there are still plenty of valorous warriors in the land of Tartu! Thanks to your earnest and herculean efforts, the army of Durgs has suffered serious losses, and Christmas Decorations have been returned down to the very last one, so the homes and Christmas trees of all the citizens of both empires are ready for the celebration! And the main Christmas Tree on Adan, that can be found at the Winery Crossroads, is gleaming again with it's amazing ornaments, crystal garland and sparkling tinsel.

But regardless of his shameful defeat, the ice giant Trag of the Ice Breath is not even thinking of giving up. Being not only an extremely strong warrior, but also exceptionally skilled magician, he has brought a curse down on all the Lairycawns, a Spell of Irrepressible Greed. Servants of Terwin Cool, the Lairycawns affected by the Trag's spell of Irrepressible Greed have left their workshops, nipping all the presents meant for the good people of Tartu. Christmas is in danger again, because if stolen gifts aren't returned, the celebration can't happen!

Imperial warriors still have a chance to return all the gifts before the holiday! By lucky coincidence, this spell is easily broken. The Lairycawns will come to their senses as soon as you rough them up a bit. Don't worry, the Lairycawns do not feel pain, and will be extremely thankful to you for ridding them of the curse. Not only thankful, but they will also return the stolen presents. The warriors of Tartu will have to toil on the battlefields to return all the stolen presents by 18:00 on 25 of December, 2011, so Grandfather Winterclaws and Terwin Cool will have time to deliver gifts to their intended recipients.

Those warriors who are exceptionally diligent and return 750 stolen gifts or more will receive a special reward from the charming Terwin Cool. They will be able to choose between: Leggings of the Snow Warrior and Leggings of the Snow Conqueror. These items are not only extremely festive by their appearance, but also will allow you to use a new spell, Snowball!

Once again, the Christmas Adventures are serious matter, and only those warriors who have reached level 6 can participate in this important mission!

Better get started, last stage was a little close :)
lol Kloudy- ikr!- we actually lost the last one- they gave us 100k of each. so so nice! hopefully they can do this again for us.
dislike this one.
First i could atleast gain some cash, this one only leeches cash out of me (PvP or those new mobs that require more investments then gain)
I like these quests but I believe you should have given us all the time allotted to finish the first quest. I discovered we had these quest yesterday and I worked towards them but we changed quests before I could finish even getting the chest piece. Now I understand we finished the quest but I believe you should at least keep the item quests until the time allotted is up so u give us a chance to finish them. I know people finished them in time but some people came in late and to stop the quest earlier than said makes it a little unfair to the people that dont play 24/7. Just my 2 cents but I really like these quests and events.
i agree narfi, last one still cost me way to much gold and silver that i badly needed for new armor. im really not sure i want to go for this one, especially since you only keep these items for 7 days. is there some kind of bonus that will make this all worthwhile at the end?
The Lairycawns are at the watermill if anyone needs help. I've only found level 50's though so they're pretty tough if you're a lower level.
Love these quests :) fun rewards, achievable goals and best of all it brings people to pvp :D
i hope everyone is enjoining these festivites,its a break from the norm...
">">">">">Army of Durgs? Isn't that annagram for Drugs? (Durgs)
there is something always to to do or find here, I think this game is so great and very addictive
Goody the Second Day of Christmas. Maybe there will be twelve stages, but then we will all need a 12 step recovery program afterwards lol.
The armor only last 7-days though :( Not much of value to me when I'm not sure I'll have time playing it that much.
The armor only last 7-days though :( Not much of value to me when I'm not sure I'll have time playing it that much.
As said i fought in the arnea of honor all day and got 750 presents but when i try to claimmy reward i only see leggings of a snow warrior and not the conquer so when i press claim reward a message pops up and says pick a reward but i cant pick it if there is only 1! if i click the leggings a pop up comes to show me the describtion. i worked all day long to get this, so if you will be kind enough to fix this and get me those leggings (The first blue one the red one is useless to me)i will be very happy and continute to play. Merry christmas!(snowman)
same issue here
Happy New Year!
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