• It is forbidden to post photos/pictures/images with erotic or pornographic content, photos/pictures/images that contain obscene language, insults, links to third-party web-resources or break any other Game Rules.
• Please do not post an excessive number of pictures, photos or images that do not depict you (e.g., cat or dog photos, screenshots from other games etc.)
• Please note that there are rules governing the maximum number of photos that you are allowed to add. For players with Characters of levels 1 to 10 the limit is 3 photos, with Characters of levels 11 to 30 - 10 photos, players with Characters of level 31 and higher are allowed to post an unlimited number of photos.
Gallery is a place where you can share photos of you or interesting moments from your life, funny game screenshots and whatnot with your friends. It is regularly checked for undesirable content, with unappropriate photos being deleted. Please note that posting photos, pictures or images that break the game rules might lead to receiving a Punishment.
I keep detailed records of all the sydian I haul. 9th has stolen 1.25% of the sydian I have hauled to harbor. Let me do the math for you: for every 424 sydian you have stolen, I have successfully hauled 32,953 to harbor. Have fun splitting your 1.25% five ways.
and "hailing"... Trongster to Ninth, come in? This is the starship Trongster hailing Ninth, do you hear me? Idiots come in?
Thanks for all of the hauling you do for us. Have a (beer) on us!
Yah act like its end of the world yah have no life
Your comment makes no sense.
Well I'm sorry I won't say anything no more
I have been getting a lot more fresh air for several years. Your advice was spot on.