Hells Legionnaire4
Rage of Elements feedback
Do you guys even listen to your feedback? Once again we are faced with rage of the elements quest which countless players complained about, yet no one on the admin team had the brains to think oh wait this may be a bad idea... Not even a thought to make it optional rather then having so much time of game play taken away due to this quest as I'm sure many simply won't play as the quest is unavoidable. Seriously all I want to know is why this event is back and why didn't you listen to the majority of players the first time?
2. Too many Quintars needed, and I never get a lot through Arenas.
3. The Mana generation reduction is just irritating.
So yeah, it would be nice if the the Admins understood this time that this event is a waste of time, and makes people quit the game, which isn't really a good thing now is it?
i beleive if u do most overall damage and win u get more
As non spender its very unlikely I will do most damage. And the 14k damage was one of the highest, like 4th, in that battle and I got 4, so what got those who did less? Actually they got more most likely.
I also see the hunter's punishment is still in effect, made worse by palar too. With palar running I'm getting 2 elemental summons without getting a 2nd beast, having to do 10k+ damage to get 1 set of supplies. That's just stupid. The game kills it's own economy. Takes about a week after event to get back to "normal".
I'm keeping track of Quintar's per battle, there seems to be no rhyme or reason to it. 22 in a loss, 18 in a win, #1 in damage in both, that sort of thing.
I keep getting more and more reasons to quit. Less and less to keep playing.
Edit: Palar not causing 2x elementals in traps, got 2x against a 7b ghost too, won't do that again.
Edit #2: 10-12 hrs or a day to finish quest
i beleive it also helps to survive the arena ive received more for when i survive throughout the battle, which of course is harder at your lvl
10-12hrs a day? im almost completed it in 8hrs of gameplay and will finish it in the first hour or so tomorrow. true im at a lower bracket it may make it easier but 10-12hrs a day is just ridiculous. and no im not a casher i got all my gear from doing caves and Insignias
Why does the HUNTER profession need to suffer from this event? Its a profession to help you make money. Hunters are absolutely penalized for a whole week compared to fishers, miners and farmers. Please try to explain that to me? Yes, I have actually cleaned out my cookies and cache and no, it did not fix the Hunter bug.
That is 1 less excuse to give us. Knowing that 'change your profession', is the next excuse, I've already done that.
guess i'll go draw and paint waiting for this event to be over because if this event happens again and i'm not allowed to stay out if i wish i will do as some of your never coming back players did and find a new game though i have been here nearly 2 years
For a non spender, its much harder here. As I do not have the money to go and buy temple buffs for 8 hours straight. Or constantly the highest balms, which also cost a lot. Also with having bad luck and loosing all pvp, so I am giving up. And taking break. I will see if I will come back after this event is done. Or I choose to spend my free time doing something else, like reading some interesting books.
also fix the lag
We're already looking into your problem so it can be fixed asap.
Also the its very unfair to hunters, all other professions can carry on as normal.
so because one person gets a ton of drops once that means we all are? my highest is 59 from bridges where I did over 20k damage, far above average for bracket. If you cannot do top damage this quest will take you forever and it's still going to take me 7-8 hours to finish just like last time even though I'm maxed rank and gain quintar faster than most. There also seems to be no way to really tell how many you will get. I've done top damage and gotten 40-50 other times for similar damage 20-25 of them.