Hells Legionnaire4
Rage of Elements feedback

Do you guys even listen to your feedback? Once again we are faced with rage of the elements quest which countless players complained about, yet no one on the admin team had the brains to think oh wait this may be a bad idea... Not even a thought to make it optional rather then having so much time of game play taken away due to this quest as I'm sure many simply won't play as the quest is unavoidable. Seriously all I want to know is why this event is back and why didn't you listen to the majority of players the first time?
This is one of my characters, although this guy is luckily too low for quest, sadly the rest shall suffer.
Like many F2P games, as soon as the get some money coming in they think "who cares were getting money" ive left other games because they became money hungry, will be easier to leave this than other games
how many players will they lose since they will not listen to those playing the game who threatened to all leave the 1st time ?
There is no need to add "Admins" in thread title to be noticed as almost every single thread will be answered.
As far as event goes, yes there are both good and bad points about it and before reminding them it's obviously that people always focus only on bad things first.
Cons and Pros
1) Makes it both harder and easier to farm essences
- Do a little bit of PvP to receive a chest or few with bunch of mana elixirs which means you can now farm essences you previously couldn't and due to fact that extra monsters join for fights you will receive more per one, they restore a lot of your mana! There's no need to do pvp all day, sure the debuff might hinder your essences farming if you do not do quest all.
2) Makes it both harder and easier to make money
- Chests you receive are transferable therefor can be sold, while essences, hours of prosperity as well as certain profession is much harder during this period
3) The extra experience you receive from monsters that join fights someone might say and monsters that join for fights in general
- In general people who do pvp alot won't do much quests early anyway, while for those who play simply for questing it could be quite hard depending on their gear
4) If you lose a lot it might take a bit longer to complete one or few quests through pvp, however single win can result in 20-70 quintars (taken from last event average drops) even in low level groups therefor quest could be completed in just a few wins that might not take that long. In higher levels arenas may not start as often as in low ones however they do not have to worry about extra experience and are in general better geared to do this event even if simply killing monsters.
I specifically created a new account and leveled it to 15 during the last event, and was receiving average of 30-40 quintars during my wins. I believe Natsu also reported receiving 58 for winning.
P.S Please avoid quoting posts that are pretty much wall of text.
On my alt I got about 10 for win, about 3 to 5 for loss! and it was level 10? 11? Something like that. So maybe you were lucky, but lot of people DO NOT receive the numbers you are posting here, never got those. So it took me like 5 wins to just finish the first quest. And with the increasing numbers of the quartarts needed I just gave up.
As for essence farming, with the debuffs and event monsters joining in, I would not even do pro quest, yet alone essence farming. As that would be very very costy on pots or I would have to mount. And to be honest. I do not find the reward worth the efford and time.
And with little way to earn the money, you just managed to force lot of people out of the game. Which is well done indeed. I am sorry for the sarcasm, but when last time people told you that for 90% of people this quest was total failure, and you do it again, I just have to be sarcastic.
Some people will leave the game for vacations, others may quit. I am seriously considering just quiting. And I know of one person who already did quit.
That answers one question but not the other, why wasn't the feedback of so many players listened to?
Oh and on a side note admins wasn't in title to gain attention it was because main question is about admins and what they do with feedback, simply wish to know why it wasn't taken into account. Although as you have pointed out the pro's I'm sure many will still dislike the return of this event.
I am well aware that many dislike this event, but it wouldn't be any fun if everything was easy and shiny (don't get me wrong on this). Also I'd like to point out that we do listen to feedback of players however not every single suggestion or "request" will be implemented. During last event in Rage of Elements thread there were several comments that everything is made for paying players however let's have a look at Hours of Prosperity , Vortex of Trapped Souls (initially planned only for reals but was added also for gold in-case no-paying players cannot afford to enter) , blue item upgrades from Zikkars in-case you cannot afford to do pvp much , increased mine count to balance professions, red weapon sets previously sold only by merchant available by simply getting collection among many others which disprove that.
Non spenders and even smaller spenders do not usually have that sum of money on hand to do this event. So what else we can do but quit? At least while this event is on!
So you added somethings that make sense. But this event was a failure and 90% of players told you this. They also said that IF this event came around they would " quit". This should have been taken into account not just ignored. I am a Paying Player and put money on the game and if I would have to pay for everything I would quit to. The game says " Free to Play " not "Pay to Play ". You added Pro's and Con's .. who is the Pro's for? not the players that is for sure. For those of us that don't want to participate in this miserable event we are to get punished by getting added another 24 hours of no magic use. So that would make it 5 days 23 hours before most of us can do anything. 90% of players to be exact. Hardly any one liked this event before and it should have been put back in the scrap heap instead of tossed out again. As for those numbers your spouting about .. not one person I know of after winning a pvp event got anything close to that other then in SB. Even if they did way above normal damage. So this is just another waste of time to make 90% of the players on this server upset to the point of quitting again. I for one will not take part in it as many others won't either and feel that this additional punishment for me not taking part in it ( 24 hours of non magic use for not completing the event ) is nothing more then a weak attempt to force us to take part in something we chose not to. yet we have to suffer through 5 days of it not being able to do anything and then an additional day because we are being punished because we refused to cower into doing the lame event. This was supposedly not a break the bank game. I understand certain will cost money which on all games there is something .. But I will tell you that in any case if I have to pay for something to enjoy it .. there is no reason to be here. To include Vortex, Gear, Weapons, and such in Reals instead of gold that can be made on the game.
By the Way ..fix the lag problem. It is more of an annoyance then this event is.
I'll be taking a much needed 5 day vacation from the game, it'll save me money and maybe dull my enthusiasm for the game.
Here's one player your losing at least for the next 5 days...
Perhaps a compromise then of giving players a bit more notice so they can plan ahead and prepare money for the event? It may be me who has missed any warning of this event but I only found out a few hours ago and didn't notice it on calendar. I wouldn't mind it if I was able to prep properly, and don't get me wrong I'm not saying you guys never listen to feedback it just appears on this occasion you haven't.
If i'm correct it was in calendar but not in event list which i do apologize for as it's perfectly understandable many did not have time to prepare well for this event. I'll try make sure that you may able to see it in both calendar as well as event list of map and plan well ahead in-case we do repeat this event in future.