About Clan wars

We've been told that clanwars don't start at all here on Nova, and we'd like to fix that. For that, we'll need at least two clans to try participating in a clanwar. If you'd like to give us a hand in testing (and hopefully fixing) this issue, please submit your clanwar entry request and leave a comment here, so that we'd know who we should check.

We'll have the first test tomorrow and then another on Wednesday. If your clan can participate in only one of those tests - please write the day, too.

Of course, it's a test war, so nobody will punish you if you decide not to fight after knowing your enemy (if your clan gets banned for that - just PM me and I'll cancel the ban).

Lastly, we'll have something special for clans who agree to help us
Elitists would love to participate in any war any time

Any idea on if the level cap will be raised?
Need Clan Wars. I hope you can get this started soon..
Removed by user
I'm very happy to read this post! We all want wars back and I'm ready to fight
Yes clan wars again please
Finally wars again
Yes, please! And thank you!!
WooHoo! Yes, yes! Please pick Elitists for testing!!
can elitists be one of clans for testing please?
Elitists will definitely particpate. It’s too long coming
Off course we want to participate.
Had enough chats with DEV... team to explain what was going on here on the server .
And yes i am very happy you finally replied to me on clanwars and are working on it to fix it.

We apply to be invited to the testing of the clanwars.

and a special thnxs to Paul ( from game insight support) for contacting the DEV team to fix the clanwars
I would love to help with getting clanwars started!
yes let's get it going
Yes I want clanwars
I want clanwars
i want clanwars
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