A Simple Request

It's not my intent to point fingers or lay blame, I've been guilty myself (I apologize here and now to anyone I may have offended), and this proposal has absolutely nothing to do with factions or clans but everything to do with us the players. As a side note, I have a faint glimmer of hope that this won't turn into a ridiculous thread of people calling out others because that won't help so I respectfully request that if you don't have anything constructive to say here move on.

The Request: Can we PLEASE stop with the personal attacks and insults? This is a game of fighting and there is money and time involved and so people can get frustrated and angry, I get that. But that is no reason or excuse to personally insult one another. It seems a good portion of the time nowadays there are no guardians on with the ability to silence so if we want to see change we'll have to police ourselves. Clan leaders and clan councils, I would ask that it start with us. This game is fun (if you're not having fun why are you here?) so let's try to make it more enjoyable by being gracious and respectful to one another in how we speak to each other.
Bumping this..... some people really need to read it again.
I agree bubba">
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