A Simple Request

It's not my intent to point fingers or lay blame, I've been guilty myself (I apologize here and now to anyone I may have offended), and this proposal has absolutely nothing to do with factions or clans but everything to do with us the players. As a side note, I have a faint glimmer of hope that this won't turn into a ridiculous thread of people calling out others because that won't help so I respectfully request that if you don't have anything constructive to say here move on.

The Request: Can we PLEASE stop with the personal attacks and insults? This is a game of fighting and there is money and time involved and so people can get frustrated and angry, I get that. But that is no reason or excuse to personally insult one another. It seems a good portion of the time nowadays there are no guardians on with the ability to silence so if we want to see change we'll have to police ourselves. Clan leaders and clan councils, I would ask that it start with us. This game is fun (if you're not having fun why are you here?) so let's try to make it more enjoyable by being gracious and respectful to one another in how we speak to each other.
*stands and claps*
i agree !
it has gotten out of hand and it is so childish!
this game used to be fun before everyone got all into ego trips and hurt over nothing
i totally agree Bubba
bumping...as a nice reminder to some out there.
ikr like everyone i bc gets personal, can we please stop?
3k BC rep. Congrats! "> (and you wonder why people call you bad names?) ">">
Because higher ups use bc as a form of "punishment" for actions they don't like. So some people get upset. I personally only get annoyed when hit on a HOP. Short of that, it really means nothing.
Haha I got warned for calling Suspira a "jerk" after hitting me on hop (not silenced) Are we taking the nice thing a little far here? We do need a little thicker skin then that I believe.
Bump. As a reminder to some clanleader out there... It seems that the requesters don't feel like acting like their own request.
This request was made by Bubbagorn and I am sure he did not do it. If you are speaking about our leader well he did not start the thread but we are trying to encourage the etiquette all around. If we pointed out the clans on this thread with offenders you have some that continuously do it.
Have no clue who you are talking about or why..... but if I had to guess..... you are not completely innocent. You like to poke bears and see if you can get their fur up, and we both know it

My request always has been, and always will be, Use the Ignore button. Everyone needs a Time Out once in a while, give it to them by ignoring them.

P.S Welcome back, va1entina, was fun killing you repeatedly, but please keep the name calling and swearing to yourself next time, that was not needed. Hope you're back to create chaos for more than just the Battle Steel event. ">">
Storm Kat,
Oh no, I do not poke bears like him up, he PM'd me out of the blue saying how ugly someone close to me is. Ignore button isn't appropriative in some cases, and tha counts for this situation as well.

(and everyone else.) I have tried very hard to avoid being ugly with people, even when frustrated. I believe I have succeeded in that endeavor. My clan knows I will not tolerate ugliness and I have called down people at times and made them apologize for such behavior. Will I vent about something in clan chat? Yes. Will I vent in private to a friend? Yes. Being ugly to other players is uncalled for and my clan has been told to treat all players with respect regardless of provocation.
Does anyone know what trash talking is? Gamers/Atheletes use this tactic to make opponent less focus and do irrational things like using credit cards to get even. If you are not good at this tactic then the game has a feature call ignore. What I dislike is someone that started or exacerbate the trash talking cry about it cause s/he is not as good as their opponents.
ThisNsihTDoes anyone know what trash talking is? Gamers/Atheletes use this tactic to make opponent less focus and do irrational things like using credit cards to get even. If you are not good at this tactic then the game has a feature call ignore. What I dislike is someone that started or exacerbate the trash talking cry about it cause s/he is not as good as their opponents.

Trash talk is one thing playing sports in high school and college I understand that well but there is a difference between competitors (people who actually go against one another) and the childish rants and insults that people use in this game. That's not what this thread is about. I can't speak for everyone but I am sure most people know what trash talk is.
Storm Kat,
Just have fun, if someone is being mean, that's what ignore and the middle finger was invented for.
Any luck with that middle finger emote? I'm sure it would relieve a lot of stress and prevent a lot of the drama.
Storm Kat,
Darn tootin!
TrongsterYou're stupid and your dog is ugly!

On a serious note, I've been getting a lot of mileage out of the ignore option. The first time somebody gets nasty I just put them on ignore and go on about my business, which often involves killing them.

Hahahahahaha I am pretty sure I made it on Trongster's famous ignore list and I'm the same clan... but thats what Chaos does :D
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