Clarifying "player" rules

Just to make sure I have all these down and feel free to add some I may have missed.

- at level 16 you get a dragon companion (which by level 30 or so you cannot use in PvP)

-you do a chain of quests, build up rep and acquire difficult to get collection pieces to use fionites (which you can't use above level 30 or so in PvP)

- you may use a bonecrusher sphere to attack other players and earn rep for some very hard to get items (you must heal those you curse, can't attack a clanned player or his/her alts.)

- after a grueling quest chain that also costs a fair bit of money to complete you can "morph" with your dragon and become a nephilim (this ability is not allowed in any PvP as it is an unfair advantage to the user)

- after earning enough defender rep (which is a rare event) you can get a bow to use for extra damage (bows cannot be used in PvP as it is seen as an unfair tactic by players)

- hunter rep is a difficult and time consuming task that can get you charmed idols to call in monsters to battle (see fionites above)

I'm sure I have forgotten some in this list. I'm not sure if a player with high protector rep using a better baldric than mine is allowed. Maybe those that have sydian upgrades shouldn't be allowed to wear those upgraded pieces against players that don't have enough sydian? Maybe a player such as Suspira (just for example) who has toiled long and hard to make a character as good as she can should be banned from playing until we all catch up (in 2019).

Thanks for reading and a note to admin... a tissue box gift would be grand">
LOL, this sarcastic post was a good one.

Things in the post that are not true in the upper bracket (now that I've been here and can comment first hand):
Neph is used - and if you don't have one to counter with, Too Bad, work harder for it.
Arrows are used - But be warned, everyone has arrows, so you shoot, everyone shoots you back . Best to save your arrows for kill shots to complete quests (including the neph quest) and necro orbs. ">

the older rules are there to keep expenses from going insanely high (skellys and dragon summoning for example) this was made by the early backers of the game before all this +lvl50 or professions or anything like that. They are still held as a golden standard player rules that I think need not changed, but the newer additions of idols, mount, bow, temple buff and neph are not bound to these rules. While they give an extreme advantage to some (and makes it unfair to others) they are used even in the 43-51 tier on occasion (we do have regular middle of week 7b usually thou) with the exception of mount (which gives the biggest noticeable advantage and most used in tier) those that use the mount usually give up without a fight as it was by accident it was used.

and for an fyi one area these rules do not apply usually is in sb and they are most enforced in toh.

oh and arrows are used in my tier all the time in all combat (but as a clan rule we do not arrow clannies) as for neph I have no idea on rules for it

and I agree with the 'player rules' but they are not strongly enforced with the exception of bc=heal, these rules are more for respecting fellow players not stroking your own ego or flaunt your money so much.
This weekend proved to me, It's good to be in the top bracket. It's far more laid-back up here, I haven't had anyone fight with me over "player rules". Everyone heals immediately, everyone who can neph or shoot or dot or whatever, does so if they want it returned. There is no arguing over it at all. Very Simply, you do something 'stupid', you will get the same done back to you.... by the entire other team. People who are known for being trigger happy with arrows, are automatically targeted the next round. People who neph, will see another neph (or two or three) on the other side. I am very pleased with the players up here, and even more excited that I finally brought some clan mates with me (and yes, I'll soon have a neph to counter eddie's with )

"> My Advice to the level 50 bracket - get it together, decide for yourselves what "rules" you want and how to enforce them, but be smart enough to get everyone in the matches to agree to the same rules. I've had more than enough of this "he broke a rule" bull- because you haven't even Agreed on rules! So Good Luck, but leave me out of it until you all agree on how your bracket should be ">
Shop Armor, Grey Buffs, No Jewlry, No belts, & Absolutely no summoning all those toys you worked so hard on.

Its go time - Bring it!
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