Signs you play too much DE...

Have had a few moments in the recent past that made me think... maybe I play DE too much... thought I'd post a few here and see if anyone else had others. Some of these are real but most are just silliness.

1. You catch yourself including DE style emoji in other forms of written communication... or worse - verbal!
2. You think "I'm late for work, I'll probably get Torlings"
3. You've ever wished you could BC your boss...
4. You've ever dreamt you got a nice drop and were disappointed to find it wasn't in your inventory the following day.
5. You've ever thought... one good HoP and I'll be good till payday!


When you put on your belt (canvas belt) before work, and try to put your bottle of mountain dew in it (elixir) and it doesn't fit, and you say "WTF!!"

When you watch godzilla, you say "Chubster (Leane)!! You star in this movie??"

When you try to harvest your crops in RL, 2 hours after planted.
Homie Farmer,
(wtf) go away!
_Mindless_Prodigy_6.) You want to backpack hex someone so they can't move, and stay still ffs.

Thinking ;P

What does ffs stand for?
When you've played so much you start losing your mind and actually consider that mindless is funny. That's when you've really lost it...
When you want do not listen to someone you think: "Well now I can finally use this stupid ignorebutton!"
I use DE emotes every where and I dream about it to...mostley where im a witcher god ..haha ik its stupid
EllieJay...actually consider that mindless is funny.

I have a padded cell all ready for you, just in case that ever happens!
Dealing with L.A. traffic and realize..I don't have a mount weapon...Next Time
I'm stuck at work during Grand Heroism, can't join the first Sea Battle and write:

i have to start booking my days off around these events. feel soooo left out ">

You write a forum post about "Signs you play too much DE"


That was the stupidest one I heard yet.
you play DE to much when you start caring and forget it is just a game. because on here feelings do not matter
when i am not online i don't miss the game its my friends and clannies that i miss
i always find myself thinking about the people in my clan. when i am not here
thinking how i can help them get to where they need to be or want to be
i have always have been there for each and everyone of my clannies no matter if it was game related or real life issues.

well it time for me to take dassdass advice grow a set and move on
Well, thought it would be better to go this direction. " you might be a DE noob if you ever............"

It's evident if you posted on here you play too much....
I've gotten to know that you are really not a bad guy.... I must be playing this too often ">">
Storm Kat,

I find that I wish I had garugg bag and hop buffs on before I receive my pay check.

this last shaab event final boss (the 6 hour one) I came off a double shift, got home, went strait into the boss fight for 5 hours then got 2 hours of sleep before going back to work again stressing that I will not get credit for the fight!!!
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