Signs you play too much DE...

Have had a few moments in the recent past that made me think... maybe I play DE too much... thought I'd post a few here and see if anyone else had others. Some of these are real but most are just silliness.

1. You catch yourself including DE style emoji in other forms of written communication... or worse - verbal!
2. You think "I'm late for work, I'll probably get Torlings"
3. You've ever wished you could BC your boss...
4. You've ever dreamt you got a nice drop and were disappointed to find it wasn't in your inventory the following day.
5. You've ever thought... one good HoP and I'll be good till payday!

so true....
Ya when you dream of it you might play too much... and yes I would know
Interesting list, but I think playing too much D.E. is like eating too much celery: impossible
6.) You want to backpack hex someone so they can't move, and stay still ffs.
7.) You want chaos whip to heal yourself when bleeding.
8.) You just want to have a mount to ride (aka a dinosaur, or a giant dog) to ram into peoples faces when they piss you off.
9.) When you look at someone so ugly, and then look at yourself and try to find the "Garuug's stay" buff.
10.) When you see a gecko at the pet store and want to kill it, but then realized that not really him. ">
11.) When you tell someone to take a hike, and next day he packs bags for both of you, and says "Lets go on that hike!"
12.) When you see a chainsaw, you want to throw it at someone like a mount weapon.
13.) When you go to a buffet, and think of DE food, examples: ribs in sweet sauce, rosalia noodles, roast in honey sauce, and get hungry, then look at good, and it can't compare, and you get upset.
14.) When you're in an argument with someone, you feel you're not pissing them off to the tipping point, so you want to summon a replicant of yourself to help.
15.) When you're upset and just need a mindless to hug, lololol.
16.) When you want to hit someone so bad, you want mana to blaze them to hit so much harder, or might of earth, sucks to suck pallys, lol.

Thinking ;P
When you have/see a bow, and think "Damn, I don't have any arrows, I haven't been doing pvp much"
When someone tells you to watch your mouth in real life, you think "You're not a gaurdian, pssshh"
When you see someone so sexy, and be like "Thats Linda #7" or whatever number cuz she so good lookin. ;P ">
When someone at work spouts a load of incomprehensible drivel in a meeting, and you think - oh, another one of Mindless' alts
SparkiserWhen someone at work spouts a load of incomprehensible drivel in a meeting, and you think - oh, another one of Mindless' alts


TrongsterInteresting list, but I think playing too much D.E. is like eating too much celery: impossible ">

The man has a point...

_Mindless_Prodigy_When someone tells you to watch your mouth in real life, you think "You're not a gaurdian, pssshh"

HAHA... This is incredible.
I've "maybe" dreamed of DE a few times and the amount of times I put the DE emote codes in conversation on Facebook and people wonder what the hell a lupeg is, is increasingly shocking.

In general conversation also "open brackets, lupeg, close brackets".

Oh we have issues.

lol. That made me laugh.



9.) When you look at someone so ugly, and then look at yourself and try to find the "Garuug's stay" buff.

Thats one of the people I checked my buffs for.
If you're a sailor, or someone who uses boats/ships etc. - You're sailing and say "Hope I don't hit torlings, I can't beat them by myself" though, this probably doesn't refer to much.

When someone bugs you so much, and you're like "Damn, I thought Sparta Wolf was only in DE"
Lol, you r so funny, you know I love you!

When you try to be a spy/detective/ninja, and people catch you easily, and you're just like "Damnit, I need a wraith sphere"
When you think about shade

That doesn't happen.
When you buy your Flawless Balm of Mountain Dew at the gas station with reals instead of gold because it only costs half as much.
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