Trivia Contest! Gold Prizes! This weekend

This weekend, Saturday at 18:00 server time, the Guardian clan will organise a Trivia contest of 25 questions. Person with most first answers will get a prize. So will second and third.

1st prize - 15g
2nd prize - 10g
3rd prize - 5g

One correct answer, first will be counted by Irish. Good luck all!

The contest will take place in the Winery chat area.

Edit: The contest ranking is:

1. EllieJay - 9 points
2. Inceptor - 6 points
2. _Mindless_Prodigy_ - 4 points

And then: 2 Sapphire warrior / 2 slingshot / 2 DAEM / 1 Mefistofele/1/2 LydeX1527 / 1/2 MNS /
sweetness, super fun
Is this going to be weekly? Super fun
If we can come up with the answers, than maybe. If it's popular enough, we could design a trophy for it :)

If there's enough people saying aye, we want, we'll try to ind weekly questions.
I'm sure the quiz was fun, but please don't run it during events.
Example today - Hero Insignia event, so many of us had to be out of the winery chat bubble or had to miss the fights to participate.

Thanks for coming up with a fun chat event, I like it, but either need a chat that works in every bubble at the same time, or a time when everyone can be in Winery and not miss events.
Missed it do to work sigh
What kind of questions got asked? I wouldn't mind one happening weekly but if possible varying times.
Good job EllieJay!
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