Clan Robbed

Overnight we were robbed by someone from our clan, his name is buhahaha (ironic I know).
He took and I presume sold to the game the following:
Wheat 9,995
Taimen 749
Minnow 4,588
Mirth 1,355
Kustera 3,661
Kustera Fillet 1,329
Fragile flask for Elixir of Life 1,700
Dolomite 21,611
Sharp Stinger 2,249
Copper Ore 1,112
Chub 6,994
Blueberry 2,499
Kamdia 7,664
Actinolite 16,354
Diskar 1,321
Crucian 5,664
Blackberry 1,390
Beech Logs 15,140
Quartz 15,641
Ash Logs 13,000
Tin Ore 51,672
We have all worked extremely hard to build up these resources, especially the mining resources for the dockyard which are now obviously significantly harder to get.
I understand that iHit has kindly given us 50g to compensate us and has shackled the player and whilst I do appreciate this it really doesn't help us. Is there really no way of returning the goods that were stolen? I have done some rough maths and figure this person stole about 350g worth of resources (using the very lowest clan prices).
Surely there must be some way of preventing this sort of thing happening, can you at least divulge if this person has other accounts on the game so I can thank him for this shocking act ">
Man, that is some BS. Was he a new member? or had he been in the clan a while. Problem is, there are no safe guards in place to prevent this type of action and nothing to deter it., I mean them resources probably took days if not weeks to accumulate. And all it takes is one IDIOT to set a clan back just as long. Sorry to see that. Hopefully something can be done to offset them losses to clans now or in the future.


Agreed. That is some BS.
That much resources, over 350g, damn.
Especially the mining, with the new barbarian thing, all that resources will take ages to replace.
Hope something can be done with this other than a measly 50g.
dang wish I could do something to help
You know I will do anything and everything I can to help.

Since this is such a unique case, could we PLEASE BEG you to tell us what the minimum allowable price would be for these resources to be sold or traded from my clan to The Fallen? Most importantly would be the Beech Logs and Dolomite, and please please don't tell me 30% below minimum as due to the barbarians still being new, there has not been enough time to figure out what the new average is. Mining resources are a mess in AH right now, so there is no way to know what to price them at. Please help us out asap, so we can help The Fallen out.

Also, we have a "Dispose of clan items" setting turned off for a reason. Why is it ok for someone without permission to "Dispose of clan items" to sell resources to the game. Doesn't that defeat the purpose?
Storm Kat,

Only for stuff labeled "Clan Item"
make the ores a clan item boom
Items that have been disposed of/sold back to the game cannot be returned under any circumstances. As Mindless already mentioned that setting is only for items labeled as clan items and that can be traded only within clan. I've transferred 27 more gold to you KingMP, but other than that as already mentioned before there is nothing more to be done as items taken were already disposed of. Storm Kat just sell them for what you see fit especially given the recent additions of barbarians.
Yeah, sadly there's nothing much admins will do. We've had our occasional issue with theft from the chest and the answer we've always gotten is "if they had chest access, nothing can be done. it was their right to take" or similar.

Sorry to hear this has happened. Just goes to show you can never be too safe with clan resources.

I make a habit of not keeping more in the chests than is needed to operate on a daily basis. The safe comes in handy for this.

Also, I feel like the proper response here isn't "we can't do anything", because you are the admin... technically you can do whatever you wish. I've seen you kill mobs in Shaab fights while dead.

A more palatable response might be "game policy forbids that we do any more than _____. It would be unfair to modify this rule at this point as other clans have not been further reimbursed for thefts or losses they have suffered."

Just sayin.

In general sense by our policies i can ignore most/all of such incidents with clan chests because it is clan's responsibility to safe-guard the contents. But instead i choose to help whenever it's possible/pretty much always when (items or money still in possession of thief). And as far as your last sentence goes most clans have been reimbursed when there is something to reimburse from player that has clearly stolen things from chest. So even if they were under that rule i have always tried to help and reimburse the loses where i was able to do so.
We do appreciate when you go above and beyond to help. Just a crappy situation for all involved. That's a lot of ore
We do appreciate when you go above or beyond to help. Was trying to address the rumblings of "can't admins do anything they want?" that are flying all over the place.

It's just a crappy situation for all involved. That's a lot of resources to lose and far more than the coin, it's a lot of time invested.
Accepting a player who did register and started playing less than two weeks prior and giving access to chest itself is a dangerous, most clans should have learned that by now.
thank you for replying. We'll figure out what we can help with and make our deals with Fallen asap.
Is there any chance you are looking into what other alts this person was using and will release that information?
Other active characters his are irrelevant due to not being in any clans and such information will not be released regarding to this player. However all of his characters are being checked for possible violations of rules.
Could you please warn us then when he joins another clan so we can prevent him from stealing again?
I think Gecko nailed this one.
You Ihit, can bring back whatever you want really. You have a gloomy belt, 2nd recruit with purple gear, and to help The Fallen bring back some resources that they had to pry from other players, and be slick to get them,and now with the no barbarian BS, even tougher....
Even with the help of other clans, a clan loses resources...

You can, and are able to give their resources back, as I stated, gloomy belt, and 1 hit kill, skip turns, gloomy pots, and purple gear without the valor rank, and some resources are too much for you? 77g to them is nothing, they can get most of that in 1 little war.
But the resources that we're stolen, is worth a lot more than 77g, if anything, calculate the minnum price able to be sold on AH, for all the items, and then give them that, and as king said, 350g using the mininum clan prices, so they can atleast try to buy the resources back, or some of it atleast.

And you said the clan is responsible for the stuff stolen, when someone just joins the clan, duh, they don't get access because they're not trusted yet, happened to me even. But it's called a clan for a reason, they help eachother out, king kindly gave Buhahaha access to chest so he can BUY goods for his need so he can get better in the game, though there are thieves out there looking to steal not Ihit can do something about it more than 77g, yet don't.

When someone first joins a clan, you don't search them to see if they're going to steal, you trust them, as clan, as family. As king did, he should recieve more than 77g, his resources back even, you say you can't bring em back, though you can, but choose not to, king's clan worked hard for their stuff, and all it takes is 1 asshole to come screw it up. More should be done about this.

I think this is totally rotten and I feel for The Fallen and Kingmp.

I would also like to point out that Bruhahah is/was a casher so you would think he would be less likely to steal from a clan, why spend real money on a game just to stop playing after a couple of weeks.

BUT let this be (another) warning to clans about allowing access to clan resources.

Ihit: Don't know if it is possible but from one of your previous answers it seems that this player has other toons within the game, would it be possible to put a block on them joining any clans.

PS. I think The Fallen should be given more than 77g, surely it must be possible for the programmers to re-imburse (for example) 90% of all resources stolen.
So just to make it sure if a new player takes ressources from chest its a rule violation and he gets banned.

If an older player that has been in clan for a long time steals coin from the chest after getting multiple times to not do it its fine ...
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