nephilim quest bug..

Have completed caster of arrows collection twice, as evidenced by the next collections wreaths ., but quest says zero still. Please help fix this have gone broke trying to complete this

My items sold in ah but was not added to my wallet

Hello my items are selling in the ah and I am not been receiving the gold. It has happened a few times.

dolomite for builders clan quest

i get the 100 dolomite quest wants but it shows as if i have no dolomite to complete quest i even put it in my tavern and clan chest to pick it up again and still no quest complete, even refresh and logging out doesn't help

Reals weren't added to my account

I bought 5 reals, then my iPad exited unexpectedly. Money was taken from my iTunes account, but never credited to my Dragons account. Is there a record somewhere that shows I bought 5 reals with the 10% bonus? Thanks!

Authentication Error just now near end of war


cant sign into my main or 1 of my alts can only sign into the 1 in jail

Don'tthink I am getting quests

I just reached level 7 and got this

3:35 Heaven's Voice: You have received the The Power of the Ethereal Weapons Quest.
23:35 Heaven's Voice: You have received the Element not found Quest.
23:35 Heaven's Voice: You have received the Ele...

War Issue


We (The Fallen) had a war with AS today and for no apparent reason it ended within about 15 minutes of having started. Now we are in a position where not only do we need to pay 50g for the loss but also we all wasted money on other stuff. I...

Ship Logs

The appear to be mostly in Russian


Always says Thieves at Large is active even when it's not active.

Bonecrushing resulted in loss of magma bombs

DOT location: Helgar's Brewery
Attacker: Flammae Custos, Sadar
Defender: Me, Vaalor
Loser: Me
Location of fight: Pond of Tribulation

Everything went the way it should for a bone crushing, except: 19:25 Heaven's Voice: You have lost the batt...

Lost my Quests

Greetings, I will make this as simple as possible.

One day when I was Lv13 I logged in (could be 1-2 months ago) and noticed that all of my quests were missing, most important was the Scrag Cave quest. I kept on playing, and the quests never came ...


Hi. Since i became lvl 16 and i got a dragon, full bar of energy enough to move only to the next location. And than waiting for 10 minutes to move one more location. Is it normal???

Bank Issues on Laptop & Desktop but worked on Kindle Fire

I cannot access the bank for the last 2 days on my laptop or desktop. I was able to access the bank on a kindle fire & did purchase 90 Reals. My bank account shows the purchase but it is not reflected on my game site on any format. I was charged f...


I had received a notice about slaying 100 monsters and receiving a .2 real bonus. At the same time I had an issue with my WiFi router forcing me to loose connection. I pushed the reconnect button on my kindle and discovered I had lost my reward. How ...
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