War Issue


We (The Fallen) had a war with AS today and for no apparent reason it ended within about 15 minutes of having started. Now we are in a position where not only do we need to pay 50g for the loss but also we all wasted money on other stuff. I personally had used a red dragon ambrosia, a red kandela, red food and red balm on top of a charms of durability.
A) what the hell happened to make us lose a war within 15 minutes (no matter how bad we are, it is impossible to collect that many crystals in that time)?
B) Are we supposed to still pay this debt even though we didn't technically lose the war?
C) Are we going to be compensated for the waste of buffs etc?
When war was declared yesterday, Zelda_87 from AS noticed there were already a bunch of purple and blue crystals showing. Noone else could see this, she attempted to inform guards and was not replied to.
When war started today, all of us could see the crystals, but I didn't expect them to count. As soon as one of my people turned in red crystals, war was over, even though there would not have been enough to win an actual war.

kingmp was wearing a lot of shiny red buffs today, he spent a lot to try to win this war. AS is trying hard to win confrontation and was going to give The Fallen a very good fight!

Please tell us what to do next. This was very unfair to both sides. Although I appreciate that DE bugs have now won me 2 wars in a row, this is not the way I want to be winning. Thank you!
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