game refreshing

After one hour of playing when im not in battle the game keps telling me to refresh doesn't happen in main page or any other internet pages just here and again only when not in battle.
[QNAMEF kind="v" gender="m"]rellik902:[/QNAMEF]game refreshing ...

Renaming of Dragon for first time

I am trying to rename my dragon and it keep on asking me for reels can you please kindly look into it for me please as according to your kind guardians it should be free the first time around:)

problem with "gone with the wind" quest

i got the quest and it tells me to use the speculum to find missing papers, but i never received the speculem from prior quest. it is most definitly not in my backpack

game refreshing

After one hour of playing when im not in battle the game keps telling me to refresh doesn't happen in main page or any other internet pages just here and again only when not in battle.

bug in group backpack

i am in a group with Bubbalove and Anunnaki1 they both left group and went offline now the backpack will not let me distibute the items can u look into this please. ty

Server Error

Frequent refresh needed due to "Error Connecting to Server" & "Your Session Has Expired" messages.

Group Backpack

The arrows to adjust the scroll bar do not work. Can only drag the bar up and down to move thru the group backpack.

I'm not able to attack and keep getting killed

Two battles for part of quest, same scenario. I start attacking. During the battle, I'm unable to attack when it's my turn and thus end up getting killed.

new dragon food

I bought a few of the chests and got some dragon food in them... when i tried feeding the to my dragon I got the message that I could not due to her being too low lvl.. I lvled her a few hours after getting the food but also a few hours before ever t...

clan daily quest for clan level 2 wasnt reccuring

well many of us i would say almost all of us dont have the clan daily reccuring quest now for the clan level 2 needed materials including me

Overloaded from bag 2820 items in bag not able to travel from colosseum and back out

I think that it's too ironic that we can be overloaded but can still travel INTO the colosseum, but when we want to travel OUT to the Winery Crossroads, we cannot because it says we are overloaded, (empty some items to be 20/20, at least).
Your dev...

Server Issues

This has become a major issue not just with myself, but with other players as well. There have been countless times where I've been in the Arena or doing other battles and the screen freezes or the server disconnects. This is not right. I can't co...


Im in eastern graveyard trying to do my protector quest and everytime i got to load the battle i get the screen with the loading circle then nothing happens and i die and ive spent now almost 1g because i keep break equipment...i have a screenshot bu...

sms error

hi i seem to be having a issue with sms reels i wont receive the text or the number, i have t-mobile, the error messege says text not recived

Update To Spell Mastery Bug (STILL NOT WORKING)

kk so i just got my second Chaos spell, and as i have been told by many people this would of been a possible fix but it failed. Again to recap i got my fire and chaos masteries to level 2 and got my air mastery to about 9/10 the way to level 2, when ...
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