Update To Spell Mastery Bug (STILL NOT WORKING)

kk so i just got my second Chaos spell, and as i have been told by many people this would of been a possible fix but it failed. Again to recap i got my fire and chaos masteries to level 2 and got my air mastery to about 9/10 the way to level 2, when all my spell masteries stopped gaining Exp. its really... really ... really!!! ANNOYING!!!!! PLZ FIX!!! "> > "> literally breaks my heart cause this is such a good game and having this pretty important feature not work just ruins it.
You are level NINE you can NOT level your spell to level two until you reach level TEN.
Hello warrior Lord Crimson,
please read http://dragoneternity.com/library/magic/ , as warrior Sir Truckula stated, to be able to learn next level for spell certain character level requirements apply - for example - to learn Fireball 1 character have to be level 10, to learn Fireball 2 character have to be level 16 and so on. Please read about berserker spells here -
fire spells - http://dragoneternity.com/library/magic_fire/
air spells - http://dragoneternity.com/library/magic_air/
chaos spells - http://dragoneternity.com/library/magic_chaos/

Happy hunting!

I have had the same problem for about a week for a lightning level 1 and water level 3 spell and I know I'm of the right level to up them because the water was mastering and I'm at level 21... I can't get mastery on my level 1 lightning spell. so there must be a glitch... i went from level 20 to 21 and mastery hasn't happened in over 30,000 experience points. Is there a reason I can't get mastery points with these?
I just want to know why I can't get mastery on level 1 lightning secondary when I'm at level 21... it's like it stopped with the water level 2 secondary when I got to level 21... any ideas on why the mastery is not accumulating?
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