Authentication error Thread

Please psot here if you have an authentication error and we will try to solve it as soon as possible. Making a nother thread with the error will unfortunatelly result in forum silence.
Authentication Error, help me please!
User Authentication Internal Error
same on all characters
Ihit, is it a hardware or software error?

Do you need to buy new servers? or is there a deep rooted programming problem? Give us some information please so we can make an informed decision on whether it is worth continuing playing. I really like this game and although I don't buy reals I have invested a lot of time in it.
If this is going to keep happening every month or two with only a vague (or no) apology from Irish it might just be time to invest my time and energy elsewhere.

This is not meant as a complaint or threat, just a plea for information from a disgruntled customer.
Why, Why me...
This is the last time im spending reals such a waste if they're going to do this every week its ridiculo(wtf)
*sigh* going on 13 hours down now
Authentication Error that's what I have too. pls solve the problem fast
their is no solving the problem fast the servers been down almost 13 hours
me 2
Repair this problem. Authentication error
Authentication error... jeb... error here
me too more than 12 hours now - can i have red weapons as comp please......
I have this error.

Lmao. If you got red weps, then everyone gets red weps, so it's like noone got red weps, but thats a bit too high of compensation
And you can't just as for it straight up....
+ they won't give us any compensation
can you add 12 hrs back to my red weapon or a refund of 10 reals for this bull shet
still not fix authentication error, i still have it start from yesterday 23.06.2014
Pls fix this authentication error, i dont bolieve to still not work game, Moderators must think about this problems.

I hope so to they fix it fast and fix it forewer
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