Temporary issues with clan chest and dues.

Hello everyone,

We expect minor downtime in availability of clan chest as well your tax due might be showing up as there's 0 seconds left on it and not being able to invite new players. We're very sorry for this inconvenience and be sure it'll soo...

Poll: Level Cap Increase on Nova

Warriors of Tartu!

You have a very important decision to make which will affect the balance of power in our world. As you know, the current level cap is 50. Some of you have already reached this limit and are striving to move on to new challenges...

Quest. What the CORPSE is silent about.

Again, the necromancer is not at her residence......
Will award XXXgold for an answer to anyone WILLING to respond within 2 days.

Thank you

server down will be compensation coming

no panick, server down for few mins. compensation will be given.

Can't login - 'Authentication Error'

Really odd since I can log in with my alts, but not my main. Please help!

Welcome pack

Hi,i buy a welcome pach(200 essences of each of+

Material prices

Hi all,

Returning after a good while away from the game, last I recall lesser life elixirs were about 55s/100 and lesser endurance were about 1g20s/100

Just curious what the current acceptable prices are for the elixirs and all the novice gethe...

award ribbon

I am trying to find it, but I can not... there was no news about them being available and I been trying to get one for a long time!!!

pressed wrong

hey admin my little sister pressed to buy 100 set of flawless weakness orb pls i havent use it and its hard to get reals in game ... can you help

new update to 7 b

if you want to do 7b you need to get in que at ruins if it dont run then you will be automatically pulled into 7 b

Hi theres no cof ratting for bracket 9 -15 16-21 22-28 29-35 plz do some about it we need reals we all need

So the game is dead.....

Can we make sea battles back to normal. Valor versus sadar. Perhaps pandor and I will come back if we can fix this major flaw.

I did warn you...

...all over a year ago the death of flash would finally kill the game. Any workarounds using old versions etc are NOT secure, so think about your personal data and possibly payment information!

Maybe if you don't want insulting gifts

instead of just deleting posts, why not actually answer some of the questions, or better yet, write up the actual rules so we know what to expect, and then enforce them? Just deleting posts people write shows a real lack of concern of the customers ...

Maybe if you don't want insulting gifts

You should remove the NASTY ones. It is EXACTLY the point of them btw....Such as the Add-on Brain, I believe this is the only one that the receiver cannot drop. and if you are talking about posts in forum, then you have that power already, stop thr...
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