Brand New Equipment Sets Have Arrived!

Warriors of Adan, more powerful Equipment is now at your disposal!

New Sets delivered to the Shop today are the Merciless Crusher, Dark Hunter, and Imperial Defender.

You can find elements of the new Sets in the respective sections of the ShopWeapons, Armor, and Jewelry.

Please note that all items from new Sets are non-transferable but you will still be able to transfer items created with the use of Relics to other players.

yay another pointless update as its cheaper to just get all the relics than it is to buy from shop
Plus these are non trans so need to be dusted when you get to next level, I don't know why games love to make so much non-trans.
this is pointless for alot of players because allot of us does not spend a crap load of real money soo great thanks for another usless update


princesss hitaro,

Offers an extremely quick route for those who are big spenders as we all know are going to pay as they want shiny things and they want them fast. If anything helps those who work hard enough to make blue gear as value goes up as fewer payers will craft gear so value will increase.
what waste of time and effort to develop and roll this out....
must cost fucking reals
Man of Life,
tell me about it lots of reals too thats stupid
eh the game could fix a few things "> too bad most of them wont change
Why do they cost more then the purple armor? It would make a lot more sense if instead of reals you asked for gold.
Lux the SarcasticWhy do they cost more then the purple armor? It would make a lot more sense if instead of reals you asked for gold.

Why all the negative remarks? I don't understand the criticism. No one is forced to buy these items, and we still have the option of using the blacksmith to make our own.
Even though I don't see myself buying these expensive items, I am not offended nor upset at their being offered.
Now, is there any chance that the far-away-for me purple or blue armor can be made to be crafted or resold?
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