New Elite Monsters of Levels 25-30

Sharpen your blades, put on your best armor and stock up on elixirs – new Elite Monsters are here! 

Shining Argar [25] and his herd strike terror into the hearts of people who go from Helgar's Brewery in the direction of the Bear Creek; Kyanite Cave near the Village of Landor is now home to the mighty Lava Golem [26]; Brigadier Khardell [27] hides in the Deserter Camp that was recently discovered near the Western Graveyard; Chief Mmgaru-Mmgaru [28], leader of a warlike tribe, has been spotted around the Bottomless Pit, not far from Strekade Nests; Slaver Camp has fallen to Warboss Khantur [29] and his warriors; Harpoon Strekade [30]  guards the Drone Nest, discovered in the vicinity of Faltanar's Apiary.

Those who prefer to challenge Elite Monsters alone, may hire the furious mercenary Telaydah Beltar, who – for a modest fee – will deal with the lesser monsters, clearing for you the path to the boss. Better still, she will cast the Giant's Might on you, doubling your damage and tripling your Health while in Instance. And then it's all up to you.

New Instances are available for players of level 5 and higher.

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