Nephilim Magic

Common folk wonder at the ability of mighty warriors to turn into Nephilims, creatures of unparalleled power. However, until recently, magical abilities of Nephilims were yet to be revealed. This has changed with the latest successful experiment of the High Magi of Adan.

The magic Nephilims wield is of a peculiar nature. Casting spells doesn't consume their turns or mana. Special Fury Points are used instead. Also, Nephilim Spells can target any warrior on the enemy team.

Nephilim magic is unlocked upon reaching level 39 and gaining Level 6 Magic Mastery. Naturally, it also requires being able to turn into a Nephilim. To master Nephilim magic, you will need a Spellbook, Sparks of Abyss, violet or orange Prisms, as well as Essences of the respective Element.

There is a total of six Nephilim Spells. In battle, only three of them are available, depending on Nephilim's Class.


Just like other types of magic, Nephilim Spells can be upgraded, making them more effective in combat.

Thank You!
Thank you :)
I like and hate this at the same time. Like the spells hate that I need to one purchase a whole new set of armor or buy whole new set of gear and do spell mastery all over.
Stop giving updates a very select few can use do something for the good of everyone.
Hahaha just made the Neph a huge battle changer. I like it :D

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