Christmas Adventures – Trug the Ice Breath

Warriors of Tatu have done a great job of returning the gifts stolen by laerycawns. Fortunately, there is still enough time for Snowflake to recheck the list of  continent's inhabitants so that no one is left without a gift on Christmas night.

As it turned out, there were actually more presents than people on Tartu, after you "cure" a Laerycawn from the Spell of Irrepressible Greed, you can keep any gifts you take from him. After all, your efforts of saving the holiday must be rewarded, right? And don't forget to open the festive box to receive items that will be useful in your adventures.

But don't be celebrating victory just yet. Enraged by yen another defeat, Trug the Ice Breath decided to make the last desperate attempt to upset the celebrations. The ice giant left his castle in the Gorge of Eternal Cold and is heading for the center of Tartu. December 21st at 20:00 Server Time Trug will arrive on Winery Crossroads to steal the main Christmas Tree and deprive the inhabitants of Adan of their favorite holiday. 

 If you do not wish to lose this Christmas, you will have to work hard. As strange as it sounds, but the battle with the frost giant is expected to be very... hot. Trug is enormous and his power incredible, and it takes three stages to defeat him: first, the warriors will have to deal with his gigantic legs, then the mighty arms and only after that will they geta chance to get to Trug's head. Warriors who take part in all three battles will receive a generous reward from Grandfather Frostmir – the Hood of Snow Warrior or Snow Conqueror. This elegant festive headwear will not only boost your defense and make you look good but will also allow you to use a new combat Spell – the Blizzard.

What's the skinny on the helms? The description clearly states "Warriors who take part in all three battles will receive a generous reward from Grandfather Frostmir – the Hood of Snow Warrior or Snow Conqueror." I seem to recall this happened last year too... what gives?
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