Invasion of Shaab: Breath of Abyss

Warriors of Sadar and Vaalor, your time has come!

Having restored their faded power, Dark Gods of Shaab are ready to invade Tartu with countless armies of their minions, to taint everything with Blight and turn the blooming world into a lifeless gray image of Abyss. Protective Dome is on the edge of collapsing, and when it does fall, nothing will stand between Adan and dreaded hordes of merciless enemies. 

The powerful warlock and Shaab's bitterest enemy Omnimach mal Adintar has made an Apotropaion of Shaab for you, a magical artifact that can be used to acquire Essences of Shaab in combats against monsters and other players. Energy of these magical particles will help mal Adintar support the protective Dome that seals the Gates of Abyss, buying defenders of our world a little more time to prepare themselves for Adan's defense. Wizards are also getting ready for the battle with Shaab. To help them, warriors of Tartu should obtain as many Essences of the Six Elements as they can and sacrifice them on the Ciklotor - a magical energy vault installed in the Knossos Canyon.

If the required amount of the Elemental Essences is obtained before this stage ends, all players will be bestowed with the Emperor's Bounty Spell that increases money drops from monsters by 50%!

Players of level 16 and above will be able to take part in the Invasion of Shaab event.

12:59 Heaven's Voice: Grateful Omnimach took all the Essences of Shaab from you. Received: Spark of Abyss (25 pcs) and 124 Defender of Adan Reputation.
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