The Necromancer's Lost Artifact contest is over!

Now that the contest is over, we can name the winner, who managed to return the precious Ceremonial Gong to Ani-Dahlia. Introducing Zalex Jr! This noble hero displayed great powers of mind, sharp wit and determination. He has earned the reward of 30 Reals and 15 Gift Pumpkins.

Take part in our contest, and you will get a unique opportunity to learn more wonderful things about the world of the Adan!

I can only say your riddles....
How can a gong damage internal organs ?
How can a gong have the shape of a coin ?
How can a gong afflict the living AND the dead ?
How can a gong have powers that go beyond the world of the living ?

gratz zalex though :D
the- gong- creates- sound
you- ever- seen- a- gong?
it- is- a- device- used- in- religious- temples.- sometimes- used- to- be- strike- in- remembrance- of- a- recently- passed- loved- one- or- of- one- of- importance- in- religions- that- use-them.

gota- love- watching- old- movies

ty- for- the- prize- and- and- pearls- for- the- grats
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