"Duel of Truth" Wed, May 23, 19:00, lvl 29-43

Wednesday, May 23, 19:00 Server Time two Duels of Truth will be held between citizens of Vaalor and Sadar, which will take place in different parts of the continent for levels 29 to 43!


• Crown Legate Crimm and Master Davian are going to clash in the battle near the Winery Crossroads. Only warriors of levels 29 to 35 will be able to join their fight.

• Master of Flame Iridiliy and Master of Order Mahl-Daren will be fighting on the Harbour Front. Warriors of levels 36 to 43 will be able to support them.

Duels will begin 21:00 Server Time. When the Duel of Truth is announced, two hours before, 19:00 Server Time, Standard of Confrontation will be installed on the location, where the battle will be held and collection of magma bombs will begin.

When the Duel of Truth is announced, two hours before, 19:00 Server Time, Standard of Confrontation will be installed on the location, where the battle will be held. This Standard indicates, that here, the warriors of opposite factionsare able to attack each other. During preliminary fights, competing groups should not have more than 5 players on each side. Having collected a fair amount of magma bombs and using them, as well as "DOT" spells during the actual fight, you will help the representative of your faction to win. The forces of the main Duelists are equal and victory mainly is depending on the contribution of players.

During the Duel of Truth, if your character was killed by the hand of another player, your armor will not break! However, when your character is dying from the hand of NPC, your items will decrease in durability.

All participants will receive valor as well as the reputation "Hero of Empire" accordingly to damage dealt, regardless of whether their team loses or wins. And those who will accept the quest from the representative of own faction and will cause the enemy team required amount of damage during the Duel, will receive 2000 in the level 29-35 brackets, 2500 in the 36-43 brackets and also will be awarded with a bonus of valor in case of defeat of own team and a triple bonus for victory. In addition, if your faction wins, you will be rewarded with an impressive kit.

please get rid of the black zerks, they are putting ppl off going in the final fight
lets get them
Is there any way we can swap back to Sundays?? Cause I was so happy when I lvl'd to be able to actually participate in the DoT. Then you switched this one to Wednesdays.... I'm at work :( lol
Have a nice fight guys!
I'm gonna have to agree with Novinha. Swapping back to Sundays would be best for a lot of us. I think my boss would fire me if he caught me doing this at my station (working the night shift, always fun). Anyways, glad you're changing things up! ~ Cheers!
Love the game. Note on the crafting system . You cannot make anything with a single gathering skill. Kinda weak IMO , please make it more worth while or let us have two gathering skills? Anyway this game is a life saver for those late nights at work, or anytime really. Thank you for your hard work and dedication!
I would love to join the festivities, but work calls.... Good luck Sadar!!!! Kill em all!
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