Melvin is visiting Tartu again!

Melvin, the travelling merchant, well known to most inhabitants of Adan, will arrive on Tartu once again, on May 5 at 16:00 Server Time and once again will trade on Winery Crossroads. You will have plenty of time to find yourself something interesting to spend some gold for, but don't leave it until it's too late - because on May 10, 16:00 Server Time Melvin will leave Tartu and will head to other countries!

Among the goods that can be purchased from Melvin, you will find: 

Ultimate Elixirs and Orbs, Balms of Onset and Hardness, Phials "Breath of Dragon" and "Heat of Dragon", Dragon Ambrosia


Enchanted Food for the soldiers of all levels

Ethereal Weapons


Bonecrusher and Conqueror Caskets


"Red" quality necklaces of Destruction, Taming and Finesse.


Also, Melvin has been a wide range of "Growing Fury" talismans. Now these powerful artifacts are available from the merchant in ten versions for a variety of levels: from level 4 to 49! These unique charms equally well fit any class, and they not only increase the combat characteristics, but also have a significant chance to cast a spell of Combat Fury, with every attack of yours or cast spell. When multiplied, effect is summing up, increasing your damage even more.


Also, if you are proud owner of a Dragon, it's time to shop and please your Dragon with Smoked Pheasant, Baked Milky Burul, Leg of Beef or Chopped Schnitzel.

You can learn more abour Melvin, here. 

Cant wait to see how the new items effect game play should be sweet
Can't wait for Melvin to come by again
get ready, the shopping seasons coming soon :-)
Not sure I like this guy very much :)
... perhaps a 'Rob Melvin Blind' Instance is in order. Greedy turnip that he is.
looks like he has some really cool stuff. Hope I can afford some;]
time to start saving the coins ... and killing more enemies ;)
Those items might change the flow of a AoH or 7B :D
I hate Melvin. I hope he never comes back. People are still carrying around weapons from his last visit. Just a quick way to get people to dump Reals on temp items.
I love how it says "ways to spend your gold" up at the top to causes us all to think that we can spend the game currency in this little traveling shop. i hope that someone still has some real morals, left Because i feel that this Constant crap with Melvin (the mysterious trader guy) accompanied with his wife (that happens to resemble a Ram/Goat.) And he travels to many different countries that Are not on out map of the world. I'm sorry but this "Pay your Way" crap shouldn't belong on this game. The game was attracting a, fanatically, loyal following from all around the globe and now its just slowly becoming another Facebook disaster where some dip-shit says "Lets just do what everyone else is doing, and keep hitting them for money. and it we'll make it a trend in this world)

whats worse is that you bring Melvin back, it is just when a nice balance has finally been regained since his last "visit". I'm not going to ramble on any longer because i find it pointless to think that anyone, behind the scenes of this game, actually cares about such things as storyline, and i would of liked to think that your still had some pride left. I've tried being patient, hoping that the greed would pass, but it hasn't. I am very happy that i don't know any of you in person.
my two cents - hate the fact that these weapons, brought for reals, are better than the blue items for our level that cost more in the long run, and have the stupid stun thing.....i have a feeling the words 'hatred' and 'red weapons' will be featuring a lot in most of my sentences over the next few weeks........just saying
One of the worst things you've ever done
I agree with snickerdoodle (two ^) marvin should be a once in 3 month thing at best and wasn't he around a month ago selling the same things... A little variety is nice as well. Make a few of his things cost GOLD and not REALS...
Is he selling the same stuff as last time?
He's got some epic items! I suggest everyone visit him and see what he's got! You never know, You might see something you like!
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