Palars, Mana Insignias, Daily Pvp Quests and more!

Once again, we bring you the most notable changes and improvements, that have taken place in the world of Adan over the last few days:

• Daily quests on Arena of Honor and Seven Bridges of Shadan, have new missions!  These quests can be received from Legate Val-Tar and Master Davian. Those of you, who want to quickly acquire more valor and earn some Gladiator and Conqueror of Seven Bridges reputation, can pay a small bribe and without waiting for 24 hours, complete the missions once again.

Also, from now on, soldiers from level 9 are able to try their hand at these elite missions!

• Mages of Adan have created new enchanted items, designed to assist in your professional path, Palars!

Palars designed for gathering professions: Farmer, Hunter, Fisherman and Prospector, are active for one week and are increasing the amount of collected resources.

Palars for the crafting professions: Alchemist, Inscriptor, Cook and Jeweler, are active for 24 hours and are increasing the amount of produced goods and resources.


Palars can be Purchased from the Shop, in the "Professions" tab.

• Insignias of Mana have appeared in the Shop. They are able to restore caster's magical powers. To purchase them, you will need to have sufficient amount of "Hero of Empire" reputation.


New hairstyles are available in Barbersop, located on Winery Crossroads. Now your style can be even more varied!


• The tab "Information" in the character window now contains a brief information on all of the most important aspects of the game. However, if you could not find the answer to your question, links attached to descriptions will take you to detailed articles on our inforportal, where you will surely find the information you need.

• Clan Members now can change their Leader by voting. You can cast your vote in your Profile, "clan" tab. However, new members can not vote for their first 14 days in the clan.

•  Now disoriented enemy can not change the opponent until the end of the effect of disorientation. Thus, developing a reputation of Conqueror of Seven Bridges and gaining access to better orbs of Nosferatu and Fearlessness, you can be sure that all the bonuses will be credited to you, and not to your allies.

Cool. Stunning someone, then having that someone run away before you could brain them was always a bit silly.
updates are for cashers the only good thing was the orb stun change that I like. the mana insignia are useless and nobody can even use them with the hero of empire rep requirement only one player has enough rep in that for the lowest lv insignia...
well, i like the stun, and the new hairstyles, and the daily quests....but its gonna be awhile before i find out how to use the complicated stuff :)
The stun effect is a good add - definitely something that's a benefit to all arena players.
nice work
I wont deny the fact that those items for professions will make my characters life easier!!
I have just joined, but a brief description of all the important aspects of the game will most certainly help out!! Also a disorientated enemy should not be able to flee as long as he/she is disorientated... I think this has improved a battle engine that I already liked!
Can't seem to be able to get the recurring quest on AoH and Bridges.
Very nice :D I like how the Palars for gathering professions last a whole week instead of just a day. That will definitely help out a lot! I am really enjoying this game so far :)
How does this works out with 10% increase to +1 profession stats?
good game, cant wait to finish work and get back home to my computer, there is something for everyone.
I need more reals!
Did anyone else notice that the "simple" is better than the "powerful" on the Mana Insignia?
How do you figure? Powerful requires 1 less space. Besides that they're identical
wonderful always something new for us players
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