Updated "Razed Fort" Instance and recent changes!

Updated Instance "Razed Fort" is now open and waiting for experienced warriors of Tartu, who are not afraid to challenge the bloodthirsty Skrags and their powerful Commanders!

Now it is a separate instance that can be visited independently of the "Skrag Caves", but to be able to enter it, you need to comlepe "Giard Vicar's Key" collection, which elements can be found by destroying Chieftaing Zultargh, Leader Hurugh-Khar, Ghost of Shaman Marmarukh and Dragon Kshigurakh, living in the Skrag Caves.


Changes that were made:

• To pass the "Razed Fort", you need a group, same as in "Skrag Caves".

• The instance consists of three parts: Courtyard, Tower and Wall.

• In the Fort you can now find caches, in which you can discover valuable consumable items or spells, that will improve your combat characteristics.

• For the sucessful passage of the Fort you now will be credited with reputation of Hero of the Empire. For the destruction experienced Guard Skrags, Master of Robbery Khanuin and Arkshuul The Burner you can increase your reputation up to 3000, and for the murder of Garrison's Overlord Khan-Tar - by 7000.

• The destruction of Skrags inhabiting the Fort, you will have a chance to receive as trophy a variety of "green" and "blue" quality items for the soldiers of levels from 31 to 50.

• In the Courtyard of the Fort you will be met by squads of Skrags, but to deal with them is now easier than ever before. In the far corner of the yard you can battle with the Keepers of Scalps, Prisoners Tormentors, as well as with Master of Robbery Khanuin. For each of the opponents you need to pick the special battle tactic, and to overcome the last enemy is extremely difficult, if you will not take advantage of the enchanted well nearby, which will cast a protective spell on you. However, the destruction of the dominant Skrags is optional, and you can complete your journey without fighting them.

• In the Tower of the Fort you will face Skrags, that are quite gifted in hurling the "rattling fire". After destroying the ordinary hurlers, you will have to deal with their commander - Arkhshuul the Burner, which is accompanied by two very strong bodyguards. Each of them, when dying, is able to summon three golems for the revenge. These stone creatures are extremely immune to physical damage, as well as magic of fire, water, air, earth, chaos, order and destruction, and their enchanted their fists are hitting enemies with the magic of death. But these almost invulnerable monsters have very little health points, and savvy warriors are able to find a way to deal with them.

• On the Wall of the fort you will find a peaceful skrag Ganshar, that sells scrolls, which will provide the invaluable help in the battle with the chief of the forces stationed at the fort - Overlord Khan-Tar. But to be able to call the head of the troops into battle, you will have to break through the ranks of his defenders first.

Some other recent changes:

• Game interface has been changed slightly. Now the third button of the Main Menu is "Achievements", new tab, where soon enough will be noted all brave deeds, heroic feats, and other impressive accomplishments. 

• In this context, Gifts are now available from the Shop. Icon with a box tied with a bow can be found in the upper left corner of the "shop" interface. 

• In the external information of a married character, when you hover on the icon of the ring, now is displayed information about the spouse.

Balms Fury and Endurance, which can be purchased only by the soldiers with the appropriate reputation of Gladiator, now differ in the amount of damage returned to the enemy. The higher the quality of balm, the more damage will be reflected back to the enemy.

• When visiting the Shop, last selected tab is saved and opened with the following visit to the Shop.

Excited to see new content added! Cannot wait to get to level 31 to give a go at killing the Skrags in the fort. Thanks for the update!
cool now whenever i need more potions for 7 dridges i donts have to keep pressing on potions tab in shop and can i also have Giard Vicar's Key for free so i can go in the courtyard, tower and the wall instead of dying 10 times to get the pieces for it
Great stuff. Really looking forward to those solo Instances though.
great update team,well done
This keeps getting better and better!!!
Tory Lane
Yes some solo instances would be good but this new quest looks great.
nicley done some new challenges ">
these look interesting
Well now... this is relevant to my interests...

Ohh! More skraggy goodness! :D I might not be at the level to partake in this adventure yet, but its good to know there is more to move on to :)
level 30 here I come ...
So got to get ready for raids on a fort in addition to mysteries and dragons awesome
i still need a group, but i like the looks of that place
would you look at that? more fun stuff! come on guys
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