Updated Skrag Caves and more tweaks and improvements!

The updated Skrag Caves are now open to daredevils who have no fear of the green-skinned monsters!

Now the Caves beneath Fort Giard and the Fort itself are considered two different instances that can be visited independently. The instance at the fort will be open soon, but the caves are already waiting for warriors!

General changes affect both instances as follows:

• Relics are now available as a trophy any battle with a Skrag in the fort and in the caves, but of course, the chance to receive them from a leader are significantly higher than with ordinary Skrags.

• According to the rules of loot, the chance to get relics is reduced if your level is above the level of the enemy. • The price of relics has been reduced by 3 times, so now the sales tax is less as well.

• Now you can improve your Hero of the Empire reputation in both of the instances. In the "Skrag Caves" destroy Chieftain Zultragh, Leader Hurugh-Khara, or the Ghost of Shaman Marmarukh to earn 1,000 reputation. Slay Kshigurakh for up to 3000 points.

• Treasure caches filled with items, consumables or buffs are now hidden in instances.

Now, specific to the underground part of the instance.

Skrag Caves

• Completing ledges can now be done much faster because enemies are significantly weaker, though more numerous

• For each attack on a Guard on a Ledge, you now have to fight five Skrags

• Upon defeating Chieftain Zultragh, you may find a chest inside of which lie flawless elixirs, orbs and insignias

• You can now enjoy blessed food cooked by Skrags in the camp of Leader Hurugh-Khar, after his assassination. This food will improve your combat stats

• In the Skrag Burial Grounds where Shaman Marmarukh dwells, you can use a totem, which will grant you an increased chance to dodge physical attacks.

We remind, that you can access Skrag Caves after completing the quest "Secret Path to Skrag Caves", available from level 10.

More Useful Tweaks and Improvements!

Recently, we made the following improvements and added some new features:

Bonecrusher Spheres can now be used during tournaments. If your attack with the Sphere is successful, you will earn reputation points and a chance to receive of the corresponding collection items, but the protective spells of the arena prevent any lasting curses.

• Now you can buy items right out of your backpack. To do this, place your cursor over the item you want to replenish, and click on the button with the "plus" sign. In the new window that appears, you will need to specify the quantity to purchase and confirm by clicking "buy." 

• Also, you can now search for the items selected in the auction straight out of a backpack. To do this, put your cursor over the item and press the magnifying glass button. An auction window will automatically open and you will see all the lots with the selected item.

• Battles that are enclosed using the Spheres of Insolence are now marked with an appropriate icon.

Sweet more to the cave (caves addict here)
Sounds great thank you guys for your hard work!
I love the idea of walking in and stealing skrag food halfway through their meal :D DASTARDLY!
now i have a reason to do caves again. Nice job Admin

Just keep caving! Love going into the caves. It'll be interesting to see how this change affects cave runs. Slightly less dull now of course :D
Oh wow, still cant get into the caves because I still can not afford the potions.
All looks so SUPER, head is going to , Keep up the great work DE Team & keep us posted ">
if you guys keep updating like this i will be reading the updates all day instead of playing the actual game but keep it up
iv been waiting for these
Buying form the backpack? you just made my day.
sounds like some awesome updates, keep up the great work!
bc during torney does sound a little troubling sense I have been cursed in AoH a few ties and it is NOT fun. especially if curses you get on round 1 last until round 7... having 6 curses on round 7 doe not sound fun at all. Also individual caves sounds fun and a great way to kill time while I wait for res
The ability to purchase and check auction items saves a lot of time and makes gameplay so much easier.
<3 the new implementations!
Great upgrate for instnances...keep up that work :)
nice. I love caves =)

The working together is the key for me. Much more fun whit other players. Thanks a lot again.
i was playing all day, but now it forces me to upgrade my adobe flash player and it wont finish dowloading. now i cant play at all. thx a lot
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