Flying Paratroopers

Warriors of level 18, time to get on your favorite armor and face new adventures!

Wise Gaor Trad is thinking on his new idea of creating a squad of fast and lethal "flying paratroopers", which will be able to perform most difficult and nontrivial tasks.

But without your help, of course, nothing is possible. You will have to bring this idea of Dragon-Man to life, by finding food for new "soldiers", training the necessary skills and ensuring further replenishment of the flying army.

That is brilliantly awsome.
I have just started this game and I love IT! I was previously playing a game from another company, and they couldn't seem to figure out how to make things work right within the game. It seems this company doesn't have that problem since the game is fun, looks great and works flawlessly.
same im only lv6
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