The Ice Army has been defeated but Trug still won't surrender. The pernicious giant has turned to magic and cast the Spell of Irrepressible Greed on the Laerycawns! Subdued by Trug's enchantment, Snowflake's little helpers have escaped their workshops and warehouses, grabbing Christmas gifts which were intended for the people of Adan.
Warriors of Tartu will have to make a consolidated effort to return the stolen Gifts. You can find the bewitched runaways in the Village of Landor, among the Strekade Nests, and near the Gates of Dagdor.
Return 65 Gifts to receive a Large Gift from Snowflake. Warriors who don't stop at that and return 650 Gifts will be additionally rewarded with an awesome prize of their choice: Frostmir's Chest or the Ice Rod.
The fourth phase of Christmas Adventures begins with the Invasion of the Ice Army Quest, available at level 9+.