Battle Magic is unlocked during the Learning Battle Magic Quest, available at level 4. You can take this Quest from  Storm Brigadier Rand in Vaalor War Academy or Crown-Legate Crimm  in Sadar War Academy


Magiv can be used after equipping one of the three Class Amulets (Amulet of Berserk, Amulet of Paladin, Amulet of Witcher). Each Class has one main and two secondary Schools.

Огненный шар I Огненные путы I Печать уязвления I Хлыст хаоса I Электрический разряд I Молния I Камнепад I Ярость недр I Печать уязвления I Хлыст хаоса I Осколки льда I Волна I Электрический разряд I Молния I Молот порядка I Небесная кара I Осколки льда I Волна I Школа магии Хаоса Школа магии Огня Школа магии Воздуха Школа магии Порядка Школа магии Воды Школа магии Земли

Class (Berserk, Paladin, or Witcher) is selected by equipping items belonging to that Class. Class change is easy: remove all items belonging to the current Class and equip new ones.

Berserk's main School is Fire, secondary schools: Air and Chaos.
Paladin's main School is Order, secondary schools: Water and Air.
Wircher's main School is Earth, secondary schools: Water and Chaos.


Mastering Magic and Learning New Spells

After you purchase and equip a Class item, a Spellbook icon will apper to the left of your Belt. Your mentor (Crown-Legate Crimm for Vaalor or Storm-Brigadier Rand for Sadar) will help you learn your first Spells.

Your Spellbook contains seven tabs. The first one shows all Spells available to you in combat. These Spells correspond with your character's Class. The remaining six tabs sort Spells by School of Magic: Water, Fire, Order, Air, Earth and Chaos. Click the tabs to view Spells you can master as well as information on your current Mastery with each School of Magic.

The more often you use a certain Spell in combat, the quicker Mastery of the respective School of Magic grows. By leveling up Schools, you you also increase the maximum level of its Spells. Spells of higher level are more powerful.

Following Elixirs of Mastery can be purchased from the Artifacts section of the Shop:


After purchasing one of the Elixirs and drinking it, you will instantly gain 100 Mastery in the respective School of Magic.

Three components are required to upgrade a Spell:

A Prysm of Creation which can be purchased in the Magic Item Stores on the Scarlet Square or on the Square of Storms;

Sparks that can be obtained by killing monsters and enemies of the Empire;

• The last component is the Magical Essences of the respective School of Magic: Fire, Water, Air, Earth, Order or Chaos. There is only one way to acquire Magical Essences. First, you have to buy an Eye of a Dragon that corresponds with the Spell that you wish to upgrade. For 2 hours after using the Eye, you will be able to obtain Essences of the respective School of Magic by killing monsters and enemies of the Empire of your level or higher. While the Eye is active, the Mana cost of all Spells of the respective School of Magic is doubled, but you receive 1 Magical Essence for every 100 Mana spent.

When all of the abovementioned conditions are met, you will be able to upgrade the Spell.

Let's say your character is a Berserk (Class Schools of Magic: Fire, Air and Chaos) and you wish to learn an Order Spell. To do so, you will have to trade with other players to acquire Essences of Order as well as purchase a Prysm of Creation and Sparks in the Magic Item Store. When you have all the required components, use them to learn an Order Spell.

However, as long as your Character is Berserk, the learned Spell will remain unavailable. To use an Order Spell, you will have to change your character's Class to Paladin.

As mentioned above, this can be done by unequipping all Berserk items and equipping at least one Paladin item.

Fire Magic

Fire Magic is granted to warriors by the grace of the Elder Dragon Fenir the Flamebringer, patron of the Fire domain. Only Berserks can use Fire Magic.

Fire Magic includes following Spells:
Fire Chain;
Blaze of Frenzy.

In order to acquire Essences of Fire, you will have to purchase an Eye of the Fire Dragon from the Magic Item Store on the Scarlet Square or the Square of Storms and activate it. For 2 hours following the Eye activation, you will be able to obtain Essences of Fire when fighting monsters and enemies of the Empire.

Consult the table below for information on Spell progression and prerequisites for upgrading them.

Mastering the Fireball

Spell Required Level Required Mastery            Components for Leveling Up            Received Spell
4 0 Fire Mastery 2   2   1
10 10 Fire Mastery  7   6   1
16 40 Fire Mastery  14   13   1
22 70 Fire Mastery  23   24   1
29 100 Fire Mastery  54   53   1
39 200 Fire Mastery 72   78   1
49 300 Fire Mastery  140    170   
58 400 Fire Mastery

195    250   

68 500 Fire Mastery 324    420   

Mastering the Fire Chain

Spell Required Level Required Mastery Components for Leveling Up Received Spell
4 0 Fire Mastery 21   19   1
10 10 Fire Mastery  67   64   1
16 40 Fire Mastery  140   130   1
22 70 Fire Mastery  230   240   1
29 100 Fire Mastery  550   530   1
39 200 Fire Mastery 720   780   1
49 300 Fire Mastery  1400    1700    1
58 400 Fire Mastery 1950    2500   
68 500 Fire Mastery 3270    4200   

Mastering the Blaze of Frenzy

Spell Required Level Required Mastery Components for Leveling Up Received Spell
29 100 Fire Mastery 470    23    1
39 200 Fire Mastery  670    47    1
49 300 Fire Mastery  1460    66    1
58 400 Fire Mastery 2110    87   
68 500 Fire Mastery 3570    159   

Earth Magic

Earth Magic is granted to warriors by the grace of the Elder Dragon Henor Stone Scales, patron of the Earth domain. Only Witchers can use Earh Magic.

Earth Magic includes following Spells:
Subterranean Fury;
Might of Earth.

In order to acquire Essences of Earth, you will have to purchase an Eye of the Earth Dragon from the Magic Item Store on the Scarlet Square or the Square of Storms and activate it. For 2 hours following the Eye activation, you will be able to obtain Essences of Fire when fighting monsters and enemies of the Empire.

Consult the table below for information on Spell progression and prerequisites for upgrading them.

Mastering the Subterranean Fury

Spell Required Level Required Mastery Components for Leveling Up Received Spell
4 0 Earth Mastery 2   2   1
10 10 Earth Mastery  7   6   1
16 40 Earth Mastery  14   13   1
22 70 Earth Mastery  23   24   1
29 100 Earth Mastery  54   53   1
39 200 Earth Mastery 72   78   1
49 300 Earth Mastery 140   170   1
58 400 Earth Mastery 195    250   
68 500 Earth Mastery 324    420   

Mastering the Landslide

Spell Required Level Required Mastery Components for Leveling Up Received Spell
4 0 Earth Mastery 21   19   1
10 10 Earth Mastery 67   64   1
16 40 Earth Mastery 140   130   1
22 70 Earth Mastery 230   240   1
29 100 Earth Mastery 550   530   1
39 200 Earth Mastery 720   780   1
49 300 Earth Mastery 1400   1700   1
58 400 Earth Mastery 1950    2500   
68 500 Earth Mastery 3270    4200   

Mastering the Might of Earth

Spell Required Level Required Mastery Components for Leveling Up Received Spell
29 100 Earth Mastery 470   23   1
39 200 Earth Mastery 670   47   1
49 300 Earth Mastery 1460   66   1
58 400 Earth Mastery 2110    87   
68 500 Earth Mastery 3570    159   

Order Magic

Order Magic is granted to warriors by the grace of the Elder Dragon Yarist The Guardian of Order, patron of the Order domain. Only Paladins can use Order Magic.

Order Magic includes following Spells:
Hammer of Order;
Divine Retribution;

In order to acquire Essences of Order, you will have to purchase an Eye of the Order Dragon from the Magic Item Store on the Scarlet Square or the Square of Storms and activate it. For 2 hours following the Eye activation, you will be able to obtain Essences of Fire when fighting monsters and enemies of the Empire.

Consult the table below for information on Spell progression and prerequisites for upgrading them.

Mastering the Hammer of Order

Spell Required Level Required Mastery Components for Leveling Up Received Spell
4 0 Order Mastery 2   2   1
10 10 Order Mastery 7   6   1
16 40 Order Mastery 14   13   1
22 70 Order Mastery 23   24   1
29 100 Order Mastery 54   53   1
39 200 Order Mastery 72   78   1
49 300 Order Mastery 140   170   1
58 400 Order Mastery 195    250   
68 500 Order Mastery 324   420  

Mastering the Divine Retribution

Spell Required Level Required Mastery Components for Leveling Up Received Spell
4 0 Order Mastery 21   19   1
10 10 Order Mastery 67   64   1
16 40 Order Mastery 140   130   1
22 70 Order Mastery 230   240   1  
29 100 Order Mastery 550   530   1
39 200 Order Mastery 720   780   1
49 300 Order Mastery 1400   1700   1
58 400 Order Mastery 1950    2500   
68 500 Order Mastery 3270    4200   

Mastering the Counterpunch

Spell Required Level Required Mastery Components for Leveling Up Received Spell
29 100 Order Mastery 470   23   1
39 200 Order Mastery 670   47   1
49 300 Order Mastery 1460   66   1
58 400 Order Mastery 2110    87   
68 500 Order Mastery 3570    159   

Water Magic

Water Magic is granted to warriors by the grace of the Elder Dragon Midara the Mistress of Waters, patron of the Water  domain. Paladins and Witchers can use Water Magic.

Water Magic includes following Spells:
Shards of Ice;
Ice Wall.

In order to acquire Essences of Water, you will have to purchase an Eye of the Water Dragon from the Magic Item Store on the Scarlet Square or the Square of Storms and activate it. For 2 hours following the Eye activation, you will be able to obtain Essences of Fire when fighting monsters and enemies of the Empire.

Consult the table below for information on Spell progression and prerequisites for upgrading them.

Mastering the Wave»

Spell Required Level Required Mastery Components for Leveling Up Received Spell
4 0 Water Mastery 33   30   1
10 10 Water Mastery  110   100   1
16 40 Water Mastery  240   200   1
22 70 Water Mastery  370   380   1  
29 100 Water Mastery  890   830   1
39 200 Water Mastery  1200   1200   1
49 300 Water Mastery 2200   2700   1
58 400 Water Mastery 3220 3900   
68 500 Water Mastery 5100 6700   

Mastering the Shards of Ice

Please note the followng specifics when using this Spell. When its duration ends, there is a chance of a random effect being cast on the target. There are three types of possible effects:

1. Shards of Ice of a higher level. For instance, level 2 Shards of Ice could be followed by a level 3 version of the same Spell.

2. Enemy's damage dealt is reduced by 55,56% for 2 rounds.

3. A Bomb that deals instant damage equal to the total damage dealt by the Shards of Ice.

Spell Required Level Required Mastery Components for Leveling Up Received Spell
4 0 Water Mastery 27   22   1
10 10 Water Mastery  85   76   1
16 40 Water Mastery 160   150   1
22 70 Water Mastery 290   290   1
29 100 Water Mastery 590   630   1
39 200 Water Mastery 780   920   1
49 300 Water Mastery 1800   2000   1
58 400 Water Mastery 2430 3000
68 500 Water Mastery 4110 5000

Mastering the Ice Wall

Spell Required Level Required Mastery Components for Leveling Up Received Spell
29 100 Water Mastery 610   25   1
39 200 Water Mastery 880   53   1
49 300 Water Mastery  1900   73   1
58 400 Water Mastery 2780   96  
68 500 Water Mastery 4650   176  

Air Magic

Air Magic is granted to warriors by the  grace of the Elder Dragon Argos Lord of the Storms, patron of the Air domain. Only Berserks and Paladins have access to this School of Magic.

Air Magic includes following Spells:
Electric Shock;
• Lightning Ball.

In order to acquire Essences of Air, you will have to purchase an Eye of the Air Dragon from the Magic Item Store on the Scarlet Square or the Square of Storms and activate it. For 2 hours following the Eye activation, you will be able to obtain Essences of Fire when fighting monsters and enemies of the Empire.

Consult the table below for information on Spell progression and prerequisites for upgrading them.

Mastering the Electric Shock

Spell Required Level Required Mastery Components for Leveling Up Received Spell
4 0 Air Mastery 33   30   1
10 10 Air Mastery 110   100   1
16 40 Air Mastery 240   200   1
22 70 Air Mastery 370   380   1
29 100 Air Mastery 890   830   1
39 200 Air Mastery 1200   1200   1
49 300 Air Mastery 2200   2700   1
58 400 Air Mastery 3220    3900   
68 500 Air Mastery 5100    6700   

                                                   Mastering the Lightining

Spell Required Level Required Mastery Components for Leveling Up Received Spell
4 0 Air Mastery 27   22   1
10 10 Air Mastery 85   76   1
16 40 Air Mastery 160   150   1
22 70 Air Mastery 290   290   1
29 100 Air Mastery 590   630   1
39 200 Air Mastery 780   920   1
49 300 Air Mastery 1800   2000   1
58 400 Air Mastery 2430    3000   
68 500 Air Mastery  4110    5000   

Mastering the Lightning Ball

Spell Required Level Required Mastery Components for Leveling Up Received Spell
29 100 Air Mastery 610   25   1
39 200 Air Mastery 880   53   1
49 300 Air Mastery 1900   73   1
58 400 Air Mastery 2780    96   
68 500 Air Mastery 4650    176   

Chaos Magic

Chaos Magic is granted to warriors by the grace of the Elder Dragon Heyrona, the Daughter of Chaos, patron of the Chaos domain. Only Berserks and Witchers have access to this School of Magic.

Chaos Magic includes following Spells:
Whip of Chaos;
Seal of Wounding;
Spring of Restoration.

In order to acquire Essences of Chaos, you will have to purchase an Eye of the Chaos Dragon from the Magic Item Store on the Scarlet Square or the Square of Storms and activate it. For 2 hours following the Eye activation, you will be able to obtain Essences of Fire when fighting monsters and enemies of the Empire.

Consult the table below for information on Spell progression and prerequisites for upgrading them.

Mastering the Whip of Chaos

Spell Required Level Required Mastery Components for Leveling Up Received Spell
4 0 Chaos Mastery 33   30   1
10 10 Chaos Mastery 110   100   1
16 40 Chaos Mastery 240   200   1
22 70 Chaos Mastery 370   380   1
29 100 Chaos Mastery 890   830   1
39 200 Chaos Mastery 1200   1200   1
49 300 Chaos Mastery 2200   2700   1
58 400 Chaos Mastery 3220    3900   
68 500 Chaos Mastery 5100    6700   

                                                                                       Mastering the Seal of Wounding

pell Required Level Required Mastery Components for Leveling Up Received Spell
4 0 Chaos Mastery 27   22   1
10 10 Chaos Mastery 85   76   1
16 40 Chaos Mastery 160   150   1
22 70 Chaos Mastery 290   290   1
29 100 Chaos Mastery 590   630   1
39 200 Chaos Mastery 780   920   1
49 300 Chaos Mastery 1800   2000   1
58 400 Chaos Mastery 2430    3000   
68 500 Chaos Mastery 4110    5000   

Mastering the Spring of Restoration

Spell Required Level Required Mastery Components for Leveling Up Received Spell
29 100 Chaos Mastery 610   25   1
39 200 Chaos Mastery 880   53   1
49 300 Chaos Mastery 1900   73   1
58 400 Chaos Mastery 2780    96   
68 500 Chaos Mastery 4650    176   

Besides these Six Schools, other Elements also exist in Adan. They include Life, Destruction, Death and Time Magic:

Life Magic
Destruction Magic

The Great Dragon Eldior is the patron of  Life Magic. 

Elixirs of Life and Endurance, Glyphs of Life and Protection as well as some drinks and meals are enchanted with Life Magic.

Life Magic is opposed by the harmful Destruction Magic.


Destruction Magic is the domain of the devastating avatar of the Great Dragon Velet. 

Its forces can be unleashed by using Glyphs of Destruction and Dejection as well as Orbs of Star Fire which can only be acquired if you're a member of a Clan.

Destruction Magic is opposed by Life Magic.

Death Magic

Death Magic exists as a manifestation of the second avatar of Velet, Guardian to the Halls of Peace, a place where all the dead go. 

This type of Magic allows players to use Skeletar Fionites and Dedaire Magma Bombs. Death Magic has no opposite, no Spells in Adan can be matched against it. Some Instance monsters as well as Shaab's minions wield Death Magic.

Time Magic

Time Magic is the domain of the Aeona the Mother of Eternity. Time Magic imbues Mana Insignias that restore depleted Mana.