new places on map

me and a few other people think that adding a few new places on the map would add more fun to the game. one suggestion would be to add a new continent for each faction. a place where you take a boat to and maybe have the option of being able to do a "sea battle" along the way, not against other people, but against computer monsters... and with new conitnents, DOTs could be held at the normal places or held at sea in 2 phases, cannon battle then boarding... rough though for everything but could add some new aspects to the game...
and with a new continent for each faction, maybe being able to fish from the boat no matter what your profession is...
i think this idea, which is just a start, could be made into a great new part of the game...
I guess this isn't ever going to happen. It's been up a long time and no responses from admins or anything.
or at the least, expand the map... add a few new places to explore... it gets boring going to the same places all the time...
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