new places on map

me and a few other people think that adding a few new places on the map would add more fun to the game. one suggestion would be to add a new continent for each faction. a place where you take a boat to and maybe have the option of being able to do a "sea battle" along the way, not against other people, but against computer monsters... and with new conitnents, DOTs could be held at the normal places or held at sea in 2 phases, cannon battle then boarding... rough though for everything but could add some new aspects to the game...
and with a new continent for each faction, maybe being able to fish from the boat no matter what your profession is...
i think this idea, which is just a start, could be made into a great new part of the game...
each continent has fish spacific to it and an island or spomething like that inbetween wich could be what the factions are fighting over
and ive got a few more suggestions as to how to improve the game... but the developers dont seem to listen to us players that much...
the 2 contiinents idea would add a whole new aspect to clan wars too. Well if it were between clans of apposite factions that is.
what about certain game to hunt only found on each continent that if you want the items - certain fur, wings, tails etc... from other fraction's continent u have to buy from a player of other fraction that has it. it would bring a new element into trade and set up possible new quests
yes i love this idea.. The factions could fight over the island for its unique goods and im sure it would get sea battles up and going but i like this not bad at all.. We will wait and see if anything happens">
each continent could have a wall full of mines say 8 mines, that when you mine you could earn copper, silver, gold, and reals. and randomize what mine holds what so it can never be a pattern to figure out
Wyrdaeach continent could have a wall full of mines say 8 mines, that when you mine you could earn copper, silver, gold, and reals. and randomize what mine holds what so it can never be a pattern to figure out well I think putting the mine on the island would be a better idea and only the faction in control of it could mine them. And the Sea DoT's determine which fraction has control of the island and have the sea ones lik once every 2 weeks or so.
The hunt idea would cause problems as one faction may get the item seen to be of higher value
brilliant idea! :D
nice idea
Horned Demon,
not if the items where made as same value that eliminate any but they got better comments
I already think Dragoneternity is the best browser game. But if these changes were implemented there wouldn'[t even be a debate about it.
i know what you mean by making same value but not sure it would work as it's supply and demand, and depending on the item one may be in greater demand then the other
i know if they were to make any such changes that it would cause alot of "downtime" on the game and alot of new code to be written... but i think it would be well worth it... alot of online games try to only do alittle bit and die... this game could be the best game since mario brothers 3 or final fantasy 7... it would only take alot of effort on there parts and some or should i say alot of input from gamers... i love this game so much more then any other online game ive ever played... the only game i like more is diablo... which i think was an ispiration for this game in part...
These changes would not only make a great game even better but it would aadd a bunch of new ans exciting aspects to the game.
i still think this idea is a very good idea...
theres alot of ways to expand the game to players who dont spend lots of money on it... having a player that doesnt spend any money suggest it to friends, and if one of those friends spends money, is it not a good idea to have alot of happy players telling there friends that this is the best game ever...
Its good changes but then its like they just copy paste from their previous game..
good idea worth exploring.
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