Same Sex Marriage
My current Player name is EGGanmerald & I want to marry the Woman that I'm in LOVE with who's name is The Take Over; I'm not trying to Champion a cause, I just want to marry the person that I Love; By the way, no one actually gets really married in the Game so I can't understand what the big deal is
That said, on the main point, I agree it should be allowed. Because like somebody has mentioned, people don't always choose a character that is their real gender. It's just the way it is. My real life husband re-rolled as a woman also. But there probably are gay people on here who have their real life boyfriend/girlfriend that play, they should be given the same options as the rest of us. What kind of world do we live in where people are still discriminating against gays? This is the 21st century people come on...
In the forest there are some bears, I wanna marry one of those.
Yeah and Necromancer Ani-Dahlia is freaking hot!
I agree with ur whole post... Why they trying to marry eacher because there in "Love" when married IRL to the opposite Gender :P