Suggestion about REALS.

Topic says it.. I think the players of this game deserve better real credit rather than a 1:1 ratio. 1 dollar = 1 REAL. There's no doubt I enjoy this game and so do many others. I've bought REALS and they don't last nearly long enough. I suggest changing the ratio to 1 dollar = at least 3 REALS. You will make a lot more money off this game. More people will be willing to buy and you will get more than just 1 time buyers. Plus more respect from the players of this game if you do make a change and show us you value us more, it will lead up to more people showing respect back and not having an issue spending money.

@J4ck3d. I told you that you would not like my input on your suggestion. Then you say I speak out of ignorance.

A) I am not the only one who "feels this way". Lack of input from other players implies neither agreement with you OR me.

B) My opinion on what items are worth in the shop is expressed by how I spend my money there.

C) "Unfair & Reasonable", these are words expressing opinion, not facts. My opinion of reasonable is not yours.

D) As for ignoring "coupons and promotions" I suggest you google the term "loss leader". Then study why a business will take a temporary loss on something to draw in customers. This is found in all businesses but is the most obvious in lawyers who give the first consult "free".

E) As this economy is still small, it would only take a minor influx in gold to affect the market.

J4ck3d Also who cares if we get items for half price? We deserve it for paying for the Reals. Don't be so thick headed.

This shows your intention right here. You just want more stuff given to you in the free game you are already playing, as well as showing your immaturity. If you can not discuss the points without resulting to insults, then you have already lost the points in your own mind, and are arguing simply for the sake of arguing.

J4ck3d Also 1 reel per 10 days is nothing, it would take 130 days of logging in to get 1 level 15 blue item for free. Thanks for your opinion, I appreciate it and look past your ignorance.

Again, you ignore what you are getting and are demanding more and throwing insults. See my above point.

@Naugula Lady

[QNAMEF kind="v" gender="f"]nagual lady:[/QNAMEF] Hows that for economics!

I call that living in fantasy land.

@Terza. Yes everyone needs to eat, but the comparison stands. You can choose to eat in that "burger joint" or you can choose to eat in a fancy restaurant, or you can eat at home. Where and how you spend your disposable income is up to you.

@TheWrath. You seem to have a good grasp of basic economics in the real world and how supply, demand, and inflation work.

In summation, this suggestion, is not one based on any sound principals. If the admin decide to adjust the price per reels, then I hope they decide to do so based on their needs, goals, and profitability.
To all of those of you yelling down our good Sir Truckula-

He's right. Your economy will shift based on the amount of any particular currency within the game. If you received 3 gold per real, people would necessarily increase their prices on AH in order to maximize their gain for any particular item. Moreover, the people you punnish most are those who actually PLAY in order to make money, because the economy would scale at 3 times the normal rate from artificial means, but the amount rendered by playing does not increase at the same rate. For those, the best they could hope for is a lucky drop that they would necessarily have to gouge for in order to continue playing.

This game is not supposed to be "easy". You should necessarily have to actually PLAY to be successful, not simply buy your way to the goal. Suggestions like this one are very "Monty Hall" in nature and would have a catastrophic impact on the scale of the game.
Then what about the others who can't buy reals? If 1 dollar is going to be 3 to 4 reals, then the ones who can't buy reals will be behind to those can buy reals.
just asking.
gonna be honest i would put some money into this game if you got more for your money look at evony evony once a month has specials called $5 for 250 wich meaning you pay $5 and you get 50 game coins and also get like 20 items worth 200 game coins thats a deal not $5 for 5 reals any other game you get deals everquest play everquest when you buy station cash you pay $10 you get 100 station cash so yes if i got deals like that i would spend money on this game
J4ck3d - 17/03/2012 03:01


lets say u have a "level 9 green pair of boots" and u know that even around level 9 more players could buy your item than before
(AH would be sorter and sorter on green items) so that (mental) and normal price would be cheaper even it stayed on 15gold

would u still sell it for 15gold? - again and again? (when u can sell it for more)

because im not.. and for sure some others would not do that either..
so that would make a big gap between players that do not change in "real" and players that spend money again and again
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