Suggestion about REALS.

Topic says it.. I think the players of this game deserve better real credit rather than a 1:1 ratio. 1 dollar = 1 REAL. There's no doubt I enjoy this game and so do many others. I've bought REALS and they don't last nearly long enough. I suggest changing the ratio to 1 dollar = at least 3 REALS. You will make a lot more money off this game. More people will be willing to buy and you will get more than just 1 time buyers. Plus more respect from the players of this game if you do make a change and show us you value us more, it will lead up to more people showing respect back and not having an issue spending money.

I would certainly be willing to purchase Reals in the event the conversion was altered as suggested here. 1 to 1 is unreasonable. Frankly, even 3 to 1 is ridiculous, but certainly more palatable - and I would buy several at such a price, I am certain.
I have to thinking of quitting already after reals being spent so fast. = you lose out on what i COULD of spent.
I must agree...3 or 4 to 1 would have more people paying for Reals and playing longer....
i agree, definately cheaper is better incentive to play.
I have to agree. The ratio for us to buy pretend money to play the game with real money that we work pretty hard for seems a bit ridiculous. Also, there seems no incentive to buy reals at all...there are no discounts being offered (on the reals themselves, or items you can purchase with them), and no real promotions going on within the game. I do appreciate the daily log in but it, too, seems rather small...especially when compared to the actual cost of the items that are available for purchase. Most people that I know that play games prefer some kind of bang for their buck....they also move along to try other things more quickly if they feel they aren't getting a fair shake.
Events, bonuses and special offers would be appreciated, agreed. Especially as they are common in most other games of this type.
I would be bold enough to say 1:5 dollar to real ratio. If I can make over 2 gold an hour what would be the point to spend 2 dollars on the exact same thing? It sounds silly to me.
yeah ... i too agree the real 1:1 is too costly .... because of this i have never bought reals. I love this game too ... thats why I started new account rather than quieting the game when my account O_O have to pay 20g ... If ratio was less i would definitely bought the real .... and continue with that account ..... i even upgrade the weapon build out from Relic..
yeah if it was a 1:3 ratio i would definetly buy some more reals and in a large quantity
I think another plausible idea would be to have the opportunity to trade in gold for reals. The items available only with reals are amazing, I think it would only be fair to reward daily players that accrue gold to be able to trade them in and buy things from the shop. I do agree with the comments above though, 1:1 simply isn't enough.
I was going to ignore this post for the ridiculousness it is, but the OP asked me to post.

A) How many of you walk into a restaurant and tell them their prices are too high, and they should immediately lower them. Of those who are brave enough to do this, did you really expect them to do it? The politest thing they will tell you is no, but even more likely they will laugh in your face.

B) Now some basic economics. If they did do this suggestion, what happens? The market is flooded with gold pieces. Prices will then go up on everything players sell. So your gold goes just as far as it did before (if your lucky), however, those who do not buy reals get further and further behind.

C) @Terza, you are a high enough level that you should know your statement is inaccurate. Buying pretty much anything in the shops is half price if you use reels instead of game cash.

D) DE gives you 1 reel just for logging in for ten days in a row. This would be the same as your favorite burger place giving you a free burger for just stopping in and saying howdy for ten days. Not even buy anything just show up. Y'all can complain it is not enough, but, I will just say, "Thank You!

Truckula, Your the only person who plays this game who feels that way. We aren't asking for much are we? 3:1. You think Real items in the shop are really worth 13 bucks of our real money? No. 3:1 is still pretty unfair but its REASONABLE. As for your comment as to restaurants and us saying their prices are too high, your ignoring the fact that they too have promotions and deals all the time. The game wont get flooded with gold either, how many people would actually spend enough money on this game to flood the economy? Not a lot, also an easy fix for those items we buy with Reals, make them non tradeable, easy fix. Don't jump the gun. Also who cares if we get items for half price? We deserve it for paying for the Reals. Don't be so thick headed. Also 1 reel per 10 days is nothing, it would take 130 days of logging in to get 1 level 15 blue item for free. Thanks for your opinion, I appreciate it and look past your ignorance.

Also thank you to everyone else so far who have given and shown your support!
... still doesn't mean we can't have monthly events etc. They add gaming spice AND a create a flurry of revenue for the company. All good.
trukula seems to have their own hidden agenda. so lets ignore those points. MAJORITY clearly believe they would spend MORE real money...IF ratio was better... = MORE profit for game = MORE game future. Hows that for economics!
Lol...Truckula, you reinforced my point more than anything else. Yes, some items, such as potions and elixirs, etc., etc. are less expensive if purchased with reals; however, the point was originally about the cost of reals themselves. As J4ck3d stated, when you get to the point of wanting better gear, etc. the real cost is quite expensive. No, most of us would no go into a restaurant and ask that they lower prices...but, to reinforce others' points, most of them offer discounts, coupons, and even frequent customer cards that do get you that free burger after a few stops. The difference is that people need to eat, but they don't necessarily need to spend money on a game.
@ Kloudy....excellent point!
@Nagual're exactly right!
Also, when offering a forum for people to openly post suggestions that they genuinely think are is never a good idea to condescend those who take the time to throw their ideas out into the arena, even if there may be disagreement. That's not a way to encourage any kind of idea flow, which seems to be the main purpose for this area of the forum.
I agree with Sir Truckula, What about all the people who play this game and really enjoy it who are just barely getting by with their income, if it was changed to where u get 3 reels per $1.00, then all the other prices would go up and the only way anyone who does not have a good income like people who get retirement or disability will not be able to afford to buy any good gear they would just have to hope and pray on a lucky drop, or quit the game because they would not be able to afford to play it any longer, and what would be the fun and the use in playing a game where you can not afford to get the stuff you need? We all need to think about everyone who plays, not just ourselves. I am sorry if that sounds rude I am not trying to sound rude just giving my point of view.
How would the prices go up? they're already stupid high. No one is gonna flood the economy. Shop prices aren't going up either.
The prices would go up in the AH because players would know that they could make more money on the stuff than they have in the past due to the reel increase in the ratio that was suggested
No they wouldn't. Who thinks that way? Why would a level 9 green pair of boots shoot up past 15g just because a few players would buy reals? People already have an issue paying that much.
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