
If your character was put into prison, you can find out the exact reason of your punishment in this topic and terms for liberation. In order to do this, please complete the following application form:

1. Nickname (link to your character).
2. When (approximately) punishment was applied.
3. Case description

You are kindly requested not to flood in this topic. Off-topic posts will be deleted and violators will be punished with the Curse of Silence!
Inappropriate nickname. Start a new character with a nickname that is not against game rules.

Not sure when I received shackles as I haven't played this for quit some time. No I'm not a hacker and yes there are multiple people including myself, oldest daughter, son and youngest daughter who all play this game.

Would appreciate my character being freed so that I can continue playing with my kids. Thanks

Released, press "Off to Freedom" to leave the jail.
just now
I understand that I didn't pay a loan back but I am paying it back this Friday.....May I please be shackled till then

No. Loan shackles are automatic and are removed only upon paying back the loan you've taken from bank.
two of my characters named GJ97 and Hunting Omega have been shackled for reasons

would you rather have us change your punishment to 50 gold for violating multiple character rules to harass/obtain benefits?

It is forbidden to use a second Character (or several) to store items or help level up the main Character, which includes - but is not limited to - giving Loans, renting items or game currency, etc. It is also forbidden to use a second Character (or several) to bypass a Spell of Silence that has been inflicted on your Character.

If you wish to continue playing these character(-s) pay rhe fines on them.
I realy need this my account, cave man, is it posible for me to do hops to pay of the debtor

I had no idea that there was a rule, and my little bro quit game and gave me his stuff

Not reading the rules you agreed to was your own fault. Pay the fine if you wish to continue playing this character.
ummm im banned for Illegal trade and it was this guy being very nice who was leaving the game not me sooo thats why i want out.

Hi first i want to thank thsgame for its tight tules...
I have been deport shakled and i should pay 100g..
This is the first mistake i ever did i hope the payment decrease to 20g or 10r that i surely will pay and not violate the rules again...all the thanks to MR Ihit and the Gaurdians..

No. Pay the fine that is stated in rules as you violated trade rules on multiple accounts/occasions. Fine won't be decreased or characters released until fines are paid.
I dont know
I came into play, and I'm in the prison of their own accord . I did not apply for the lock.

Sure you did back in 2012 , but I'll remove the shackles. Keep on playing!
1 bal9584
2 05/08
3 entering in game with several char-rs
Need pay 50 reals, can i pay 65g....ty for answer.

Entering fights from same computer with bal/val and vedmak.
Don't know when i was punished because my sons didnt tell me about this.
Money selling over 30%

its been too long. my sons hasnt reported this issue to me for a long time nor have they themselves took items from my other accounts. I respectfully agree with this containment, but this is my only other account that me and my two sons play. plus, i had my surgery so i wasnt able to recover much until last month. I would be glad to have my good character be released from this point on.

If you share your account responsibility is on you pay the fine if you wish to continue playing this character.
bal95841 bal9584
2 05/08
3 entering in game with several char-rs
Need pay 50 reals, can i pay 65g....ty for answer.

Entering fights from same computer with bal/val and vedmak.

I know, but can i pay 65g instead 50r?

Hello.....I made a payment for my past-due's not processing. Bank says money taken out, but it's not posting to my account. Plz help!

Send us a message with details to
Your character is not in jail.

Why iam still in prison? The mistake wasnt from me..

Check it out and you will belive...


Because you violated trade rules. Punishment will stay.
Don't use alts/mains to defend each and enter same fights and vice versa.
Don't use alts/mains to defend each and enter same fights and vice versa.
Hello there, I miss my old main and sub account was been jailed :(. What date will be started automatically send me into Dungeon is called"Punishment"? and Why Multi Accounts is illegal but didnt know? I dont have money to pay fine for which one but will be never released.

You traded money from your multi accounts which is not allowed end of story. Pay the fine if you wish to continue with this character.
If you forget to repay loan and tossed into jail are you there forever is there a time limit to your jail stay or are you stuck until repayment

As already mentioned by DK you will stay in jail until loan that has been taken is repaid. Shackles for bank loans are automatic and are automatically removed only when loan is paid back through bank.
majin buu,
You just have to pay back that loan and then you'll be free, if you don't pay it is for forever.
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