Shugendosai Money supply within the game would increase as money gets transferred from one player to another as these items are exchanged among players instead of "disappearing" when a players buys it from shop.

absolutely correct glad someone finally understands. ">
ok lets do the math lets say 8 people can make them right now and 3 are charging at ridiculous prices that leaves us with 5 players to support over 100 players with pots and i myself go through over 100 pots in an hour they would have to be making them non stop just to keep up with me and a few other people leaving them in the store at maybe just a little higher price then they were would have been fine and still encouraged others then as someone has already stated if we only need a certain amount and we dont have time to sit in trade chat asking around and we cant afford buying bundles as there are in AH we lose out parts of this update were just bad management you could have made your point and pushed for more masterys and reps alot of different ways without removing them completely
AnotherAwakening you have raised a valid issue, i.e. when demand exceeds supplies significantly. There are solutions to resolve this for instance by reducing the consumables' production time and also allowing players to put their items in AH for a longer duration. I will raise a suggestion to reduce the production time for Alchemy, Inscription, Cooking and Jewelry profession. I think production rate for gathering profession need not be changed. I hope more players will make comments on my suggestion.

Regardless it is better to embrace changes to gameplay and adapt quickly. There is always two sides of the equation. Some ends up at the losing side while some others ends up at the winning side. The changes here will no doubt affect PvP performace but it affect everyone. It will take a while for changes to take place even if they are accepted.
to me what shugendosai said.. is true and right.

for example.. i once think bad of mount.. ( i still think its bad ) it reduce the rate of pvp..but the other side of it.. it also make gameplay become more interesting.. it let weaker armored player have more chance..coz not everyone would love to use mount every single battlefield. well that is just for example.

back to the topic..item not in shop surely will boost game economy..and the lesser pot, endurance and glyph are widely sell and money always goes back into the circle of player.. instead of gone from player to the shop.not only to mention the finish product it also affect the raw material. yeah some peeps will have advantage.. but if u want that advantage so badly.. change and be like the advantageous person. (switch prof or whatever u need)
Use mount when mob hunting, reduces consumption of consumables drastically
ShugendosaiAnotherAwakening you have raised a valid issue, i.e. when demand exceeds supplies significantly. There are solutions to resolve this for instance by reducing the consumables' production time and also allowing players to put their items in AH for a longer duration. I will raise a suggestion to reduce the production time for Alchemy, Inscription, Cooking and Jewelry profession. I think production rate for gathering profession need not be changed. I hope more players will make comments on my suggestion.

Regardless it is better to embrace changes to gameplay and adapt quickly. There is always two sides of the equation. Some ends up at the losing side while some others ends up at the winning side. The changes here will no doubt affect PvP performance but it affect everyone. It will take a while for changes to take place even if they are accepted.

yeah but odds of them lowering production rates are low considering the fact that you have to work for mastery and lowering rates would make everyone gain masterys at a very increased rate it would be more like something everyone would have without even putting real work in but i myself have already embraced the fact that they are gone i just think its a bad move for the game itself when there were other moves they could have taken but in the long run yes more money will stay with players hopefully increasing the games economy
I have started a thread for everyone to suggest how profession can enhanced further.

http ://
The thing with the economy is that it's good to put stuff in AH but everything takes taxes so it's like real life economy The consumer buys product and gets taxed the seller put is AH and gets taxed... pretty soon we all taxed out!:)
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