
Harley is baning people people, especially elitists (shocker) in arena while they are on hop and red bag. 9th then get offended if we respond and hit 9th.

Why would you or any 9th be surprised by this response?

It is simple. Harley stops the nonsense in arena, or the same merry go round will continue.

You know I don't eat everything, right? It's not my fault the key was so close to the cake you baked for me. I guess that belt will stay on for a while
You caught me while I was afk, peebreaks are holy. Therefore I call you out for a legendary 1 vs1 fight. You, me, winery...
And don't go hiding in clan hall like you did now... Pussymove, real smooth.
Imaginary cake is cool... Really, nothing wrong with you for sure...

I bow down to our Queen of Coffee!!
Nurse Ratched,
Have I told you that you are adorable lately
themamma, Nurse Ratched,
Love how RF complaints turn into love tests lol

"This is a test from the Emergency Broadcast Station....this is only a test" Sigh....i think you meant "fest"

coffee and flowers for case you were feeling left out doc
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