I am sick and tired of this all

To all of you I am talking to, and you know who you are, you need to know I'm tired of talking about it. We need to move beyond talking and into the discussing phase. Barring that, we need to converse. If all else fails build a discourse in order to continue talking about how sick and tired we all are for talking about what it is we talk about. So keep talking if you want, but I prefer to discuss instead. If you have anything else to say, then let's talk, otherwise I'm done discussing it. Now, where's that puppy??
Alll this makes me hungry lol
I'm a bit confused, I thought you said you closed the discussion, albeit without talking it through. I think this is a mistake. In an effort to opine my opinion, I believe you should consider a civil discourse regarding all the talk about this discussion before you are done discussing it. For with an ample opportunity to adequately orate regarding the talks and given an opportunity to converge and converse regarding the opposing and converse opinions being discussed, I believe we can all agree that it's important to find commonality in our communal conversation.
Feel free to agree or disagree.
No fartknockers allowed on forum.
Okay, enough is enough. Can we all just agree that the first point is a cognizant as the latter remarks regarding the discussion which is now closed for further debate? Furthermore, any additional discourse regarding the original points as stressed by the injured parties should be limited in scope to the focus of said talks that perpetrated the firstly identified issues. In conclusion, puppies.
"> "> "> yyyuuuppp, that pretty much sums it up....
You lost me at "To all of you" Can you take it again from the top with gusto this time?
Ewwwww buttmuncher!
"Talk is Cheap" ... was a great album by Keith Richards, who I believe also likes puppies.
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