Cheat othie alts

Is that legal price what always they want for heal? I tired be muted, ppls need know who is who, and what they do.
I know part of them (Austin, Alvion, Farmerpete, Xhunt, othies, Qucksilver,Hiden danger, OKWhatever,Rasputin, zevran and MAIN-OTHIE), its easy find something how he play, but looks not any want it, and new admin not have time(...

vedmack you cheat you have stalled my hops for years now sleep in the bed you have made you prick
lngslng4u, no need start what u cant win.

i wont accept it, because i was shackled too lol and else pay for that reflected my bane, but maybe u begin do any with it?

Pay it!! Pay it!!

Leaneonce again, it's not illegal until you choose to accept a ridiculous offer for healing. I have explained this to you a minimum of 5 times. If you want to accept a ridiculous heal price, I can shackle you both for a bad trade and then you can discuss how much you like each other while you both pay a 50 gold fine. This is pure scam. Even on another server, they realized this long ago and began to punish for such scams. The player may accidentally agree to such a deal and never get their money back. Do you wear your head on your shoulders just for something to eat?
-PeskY-, „do you wear you head on shoulders” another idiot here lol. Does all russians are same stupid like you and donkey?? Unbelievable foolishness
Since long ago theres no justice here. Rules change every days, thanks to certain guardians. If the "impartial" guardian cant explain, then they just change the rules to fit the situation. They apply rules and punnish someone, while other is protected and safe whatever violation happens. Yes its different than in terra, but here all goes different way. Theres no reason to fight this, because at the end they find something against you and punnish. Just need to accept as it is, or moove on. None and nothing can stop this.
lol my Buddy helps me with HOP!! 3
LOL my partner died to a MOB!! What a NOOB!! a
Wasted a driller.... LOL 7
Closing this - this thread has resulted in just insulting each other back and forth. Not acceptable. I'm okay to answer questions, but this is getting out of hand. If you disagree, you can approach Sensate to challenge decisions we made as Council. His email is on his profile and he checks his in game private messages as well.
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