Legend has it that the Pond of Tribulation was formed from the tears of widows that mourned their husbands who died in the Great War, which is supposedly why it is a salt pond. Representatives of the Sadar Ministerium of Science claim that this reservoir is of natural origin, but simple folk always prefer legends to science, so all Sadar maps include the colloquial name.

It's no wonder that Hephaeor the Blacksmith chose this place for his retirement: many years have passed since the death of his Brother-by-Word Artheus Dar, yet the grief never went away, and to this very day, he feels the pain as strongly as he did centuries ago. Artheus died because the Dedaire armor he wore couldn't stop a Tangor arrow. And from that day, Hephaeor's purpose in life has become creating armor so strong that it can't be pierced even by Tangor weapons.

Still the smith's seclusion is relative. Many villagers from neighboring hamlets visit him, asking for small favors. Hephaeor never says no to them, patiently carrying out their wishes. But there are also those who come asking for nothing. The Minoton gardener Takhur, who lives nearby, often visits to chat with his only friend. And then there's the boy Aldir, the son of a local fisherman, who likes hanging around the forge all day, admiring the work of the master blacksmith.
