Before Radir Galtar showed up in these places, the grass-green hills that stretched for hundreds of miles in every direction were of no interest to citizens of the Empires. Though Winery Crossroads was perfectly located between Sadar and Vaalor, there weren't a lot people who wished to settle here; even shepherds preferred the cozy vicinity of their native fields to the Crossroads.

But it all changed with the arrival of one hardworking, dedicated peasant who bought a small piece of land in this area. Having built a small house, this lonely pioneer who dreamed of one day becoming a winemaker planted the first vines and started patiently learning the secrets of growing grapes and producing the noble drink.

His first years in the new place were hard: scant harvests and poor grapes resulted in disgusting wine that even the thirstiest tavern goer wouldn't touch. But Galtar never gave up, mastering the process and unveiling new secrets of winemaking. Years passed, and luck finally smiled on him: his new grapes sparkled with fantastical flavor, and the wine he made from them surpassed everything that Galtar's competitors could offer.

Orders followed one after another and Radir's income increased dramatically. He built a new house, expanded his lands, and started hiring workers to help him run his burgeoning winery.

Hardly anyone will belive that this well-to-do fellow was once a humble peasant who barely managed to keep his head above water. Today, Galtar's Winery is known all over Sadar and Vaalor, and his delicious wine is always in high demand.

But the peace of Galtar and his men has been disturbed lately by monsters who that have begun visiting these lands along with the usual Half-Blood bandits. To make matters worse, mysterious and fearsome warriors have appeared near the Winery, but their purpose – and the master they serve – remain unknown.
